Jason Tea Tree Oil – Product Review

Tea tree oil has been used throughout the years as an antiseptic for minor cuts, burns, abrasions and insect bites. After suffering from annoying and itchy mosquito bites I decided to try to sooth the itch with something natural such as tea tree oil. I went to my local drugstore and found a bottle of Jason tea tree oil. After making my purchase for fewer than ten dollars this is what I found out about this oil.

Jason tea tree oil is sold in a 1.0 oz bottle. The active ingredient in this product is 100% pure tea tree oil. The oil is made in the U.S.A. using pure Australian Melaleuca Altermifola. Jason tea tree oil comes in a small brown bottle with a blue label and a medicine dropper for easy application. For more information on this natural product visit Jason-natural.com

Tea tree oil can be used for many aliments such as asthma, coughs, sinusitis, thrush, flu, colds, vaginitis, dermatitis, cuts, insect bites, bronchitis, dandruff and many more problems. I decided to use it for my itchy mosquito bites. Excited that I would finally have some relief, I opened the bottle of tea tree oil. The smell was the first thing that I noticed. The smell of tea tree oil is very over powering, but pleasant. I applied a generous amount on my mosquito bites which I had on my arm. I could notice the itch disappear rather quickly. This was a pleasant surprise, but would the relief last? I went about my business for the rest of the day without much bother from my mosquito bites. When evening came around I did notice the itch returning. I spread more tea tree oil over my mosquito bites and relief was immediate. I was able to enjoy the rest of my evening itch free. Tea tree oil does help with insect bites and I plan on using this natural treatment in the future. I also plan on trying this natural remedy for other health issues in the future.

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Tea tree oil is a great option for those who want to try a home remedy that is good for many different ailments. Tea tree is also a very affordable natural remedy. I would recommend Jason tea tree oil to anyone that wants a natural insect bite remedy. I also found that the Jason tea tree oil is much more affordable than other brands.