Japanese High School Movies

The plots for Japanese high school movies never shy away from any topic. Some of the movie premises may seem bizarre, but overall they are wildly entertaining. When it comes to Japanese high school horror movies, filmmakers have no problem turning teenagers into cold hearted killers. Much to a viewers delight, graphics, and special effects never seem to be filtered. The filmmakers go above and beyond with pushing the envelope, which is why America often re-makes a water downed version of a Japanese movie.

  1. “All About Lily Chou-Chou “ The 2001 Japanese high school movie is about teenagers becoming obsessed with the cyber world, and pop culture. A group of high school kids seek relief from their hectic lives through pop star Lily Chou-Chou’s music. The Japanese drama takes a turn when one high schooler becomes too obsessed with Lily Chou-Chou , and spends all his time chatting online with other fans about her. It is a sad movie that shows how the cyber world can be a blessing, and a curse.
  2. “Battle Royale” The blood heavy Japanese high school movie pushes the horror genre to a new level. In the future, the Japanese government sends forty-two troubled high school students to a deserted island and forces them to battle to the death. The violent acts will be filmed and shown as a reality show. Each Japanese high school student receives a bag full of supplies and weapons before being set loose on the island to battle it out. Fights to the death ensue, and best friends turn against each other in order to make it off the island alive.
  3. “1 Litre of Tears” The Japanese high school drama is an emotional true story that was first created as a television show before being made into a film. Right before entering high school a young girl is diagnosed with ” Spinocerebellar Degeneration” disease. Having that disease means she will not live past 25-years-old, so she makes the most of what life she has left. Throughout her high school years, and up until her death Kito Aya writes in her diary to keep track of her experiences. The uplifting story has a great message that will leave you appreciating those in your life.
  4. ” Hana & Alice” Two female high school best friends develop a crush on the same boy. Upon following him one day, they watch as he walks into a wall, bumps his head, and passes out. Hana , one of the Japanese high school girls sits with him until he awakens, and once he does she convinces the confused boy she’s his girlfriend. Suffering from memory loss he believes her, but the boy soon falls for her best friend Alice which causes drama amongst the girls.
  5. “69” The 2004 Japanese high school is based on a novel with the same name by Ryu Murakami . Two high school students take it upon themselves to prove that times are changing, and traditional Japanese beliefs do not always have to be followed. One boy Ken, organizes a music and film festival in order to impress his fellow high school classmate. He gets in over his head when the project garners a lot more attention than he ever expected. The comedic Japanese movie is fun to watch, and has many cute moments.