Jamaica Dogwood Herbal Remedies

Jamaica dogwood (Piscidia pispcipula or Piscidia erythrina) native herbal plant of Caribbean, Central and South America and United States (Texas 2 & Florida 8), treatment as a sedative, antispasmodic and pain killer (“The bark of the root works similarly to aspirin pain relievers by blocking an enzyme that produces inflammatory and pain causing chemicals called prostaglandins”. 5). 1 During the late 1800’s, United States physicians frequently administered Jamaica dogwood extract treat nervous conditions and pain. “The plant’s characteristic pods bear four projecting longitundinal wings”. The bark of the Jamaica dogwood appears yellow or grayish brown on the surface and on the inner surface appears lighter colored or white. 2 Flowers of the Jamaica dogwood cluster from April through May. 9 Herbal plant requires full sunlight. Proportion of fertilizer suggested: Three parts Nitrogen (N), three parts Potassium (K), and two parts Phosphorous (P). 10 Herbal plant can grow as tall as 50 feet high. The bark of the tree is chopped down for commercial use or medicinal properties. 1 Jamaica dogwood recognize for it’s pungent taste, distinctive bitterness and burning sensation in the mouth. 6

Study of Jamaica dogwood on animals provide evidence, herb relieve pain, promoted sleep, reduce fever and inflammation, relief from muscle spasms, and cough. Jamaica dogwood recommend by professional herbalists treat health problems including: Nerve pain, toothache, insomnia, anxiety and cough. 2 Also, the herb use to treat migraines, ovarian and uterine pain. 4 Native Americans and captive Africans in Virginia reported (1830), use of Dogwood chewing sticks (previously used as a toothpick) for a few minutes, whitened teeth: Fibers at the end of the twigs split into a fine soft ‘brush. Also, the Native American tribe the Arikaras, mixed bearberry with the dried bark of the red dogwood to make sacred tobacco which they smoked in a regulation red pipestone pipe. 9

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West Indian natives referred to the Jamaica dogwood as “fish poison tree”. When fishing, branches of the herb placed inside open container then dumped into a lagoon. After the container was emursed in water, fish that entered, fell asleep in the box and easily caught. 4

Jamaica dogwood herb root bark available for purchase in pieces one to two inches length an 1/8 inch in thickness. Also, herb available for purchase in liquid and tincture forms. 2 Piscida pispcipula should be discontinued if symptoms develop : Skin hives, rash or itchy swollen skin, chest pain, and breathing problems or tightness in the throat or chest. 7

Recommended usage of Jamaica dogwood: “Tea (decoction): Boil 1/2 – 1 teaspoonful dried bark in water. Strain and drink 3 times daily as needed. Fluid extract: (1:1 in 30% alcohol) 1 – 2 mL, 3 times daily or 2 – 8 mL daily (1:1 in 60% ethonal). Tincture (1:5 in 45% ethanol): 5 – 30 drops (1 – mL), 3 times daily”. Currently no scientific evidence proves or disprove the medicinal properties, efficacy and effectiveness of this herb. 2

Advisable not to combine Jamaica dogwood while taking insomnia or anxiety drugs, may intensify the effectiveness of the prescribed medication. Piscidia erythrina not recommended for children. Also, herb not recommended to for the elderly and not advisable for use during pregnancy and breast – feeding. Overdose usage of Jamaica dogwood is toxic and attributed by variety of symptoms: Sweating, tremors, salivation, and numbness. If anyone of these symptoms occur, advisable to seek medical attention. The toxicity of Jamaica dogwood contains rotenone, applied as an insecticide to eliminate lice, fleas, and larvae. However, human and animal exposure to rotenone believed to be less harmful (When Jamaica dogwood used as recommended). 2

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1.) Jamaica Dogwood – http://www.herbco.com/bulk_herbs/Jamaica-Dogwood-Root.php

2.) Jamaica dogwood – http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/jamaica-dogwood-000258.htm

3.) Effective Herbal Remedies For Migraines – http://www.turks.us/article.php?story=EffectiveHerbalRemediesForMigraines

4.) Jamaican Dogwood Bark and Powder Profile – http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/learn/jamaican_dogwood_bark.php

5.) Piscidia piscipula – http://www.anniesremedy.com/herb_detail306.php

6.) Dogwood Health Benefits and Information – http://www.nutrasanus.com/jamaica-dogwood.html

7.) Jamaican Dogwood – http://www.pdrhealth.com/drugs/altmed/altmed-mono.aspx?contentFileName=ame0105.xml&contentName;=Jamaican+Dogwood&contentId;=268

8.) Jamaican Dogwood Bark – http://www.apolloherbs.com/jamaican.htm

9.) Dogwood – http://www.emedicinal.com/herbs/floweringdogwood.php

10.) Piscida erythrina / Jamaice Dogwood / Various – http://www.plant-supplies.com/plants/piscidiaerythrina.htm