Is Sirius Satellite Radio Online for You?

I spend a lot of time in front of my computer each week. As a freelance writer, I not only use my computer for writing, but also for research and fact checking. Through the years, I have had many a day where writer’s block has set in. When it does, one of my favorite pastimes has been to listen to music. This once meant turning on the radio or popping a CD into the CD player. As time went by, this progressed to popping a CD into the computer itself, and eventually listening to the radio via my computer and high-speed Internet connection.

This last year, since I acquired my high speed access, I have found myself trying out different radio stations online, for the simple reason that I no longer have a radio in the same room as my computer, so it just made sense to listen online since the services are now so readily available.

This brings me around to how I came to listen to the Sirius Satellite Radio online. When my husband and I purchased a new truck this past summer, one of the many amenities that came with it was a six month paid subscription to Sirius Satellite Radio, which included an accompanying free subscription online. While the online version is free with the associated paid vehicle subscription, it is a paid service without, so do keep this in mind. If you would like to try it before buying, and you do not have the luxury of already being a Sirius Satellite customer, they do offer a three-day pass to see what the clamor for this commercial free radio is all about.

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What you will find is a wide variety of music including country, hip-hop, pop, rock, Christian, jazz, and classical, along with talk radio, sports, including NASCAR coming in 2007, and more. From Kid Stuff to Howard Stern, from Martha to Blue Collar, you are sure to find a station that you will enjoy being able to listen to, all without commercials.

Going through channels is easy and straightforward, with a simple menu format. You can also see the last five songs played, including both the artist’s name and the name of the song.

The cost for the service of Sirius Satellite Radio Online is a bit steep in my opinion, at $12.95 a month, the same as what you would pay for the service in a vehicle, whereas you would then be entitled to the Internet version free. In other words, pay the same fee for just online access or for both online and access in a vehicle equipped with the proper equipment.

There are various options when upgrading your vehicle subscription to include an online version though, which do incur an additional cost on top of what you are already paying, such as a fee of $6.99 a month, which adds another subscriber access through your subscription.

If you truly enjoy listening to radio while online, Sirius Satellite Radio Online is a great choice when it comes to quality and ease of use, but unless you are already a subscriber; the cost can be a bit pricey.
