Is Insanity Workout a Scam?

“Is the Insanity Workout a scam?” I’ve received a lot of questions such as whether Insanity Workout is just a scam since I wrote about the Insanity Workout with Saun T a month ago.

After my first month, I’m ready with my results that put to rest the idea that the Insanity Workout is just a scam.

I have had a lot of people asking me questions such as “I’m 50 years old. Am I too old for the Insanity Workout?” and “I’m out of shape. Should I wait to do the Insanity Workout?”

Here are my answers to the 10 most common questions I’ve received about the Insanity Workout and also the results after 30 days on the 60-day program – that also includes an additional one week recovery week with special exercises, I should add.

No 1: If I finish the first 30 days and it’s still too hard, should I repeat the first 30 days or continue on with the second month CD’s? My answer is to continue on after the one week recovery exercises. Even though you may not be able to do all of the exercises all of the time, it’s important to increase the time spent on Insanity and to get used to the new moves in month two. You can repeat month one after finishing your 60 days plus one week recovery.

No. 2: Is the Insanity Workout really that hard? Yes. Saun T. uses Max Interval Training to get you in shape – and it works!

No. 3: How high does your heart rate get up to with Insanity?: I allowed my heart rate to reach 170 and then took a break or eased up on my intensity. There is some flexibility there to keep your heart rate stable. I highly recommend wearing a heart rate monitor, but at the same time it is important to exercise harder for weight loss.

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No. 4: How did you purchase your Insanity DVDs?: You buy Insanity from Independent team Beachbody Coaches. I happened to purchase mine from Independent Team Beachbody Coach Theresa Lee who had great results with the TurboFire by Beachbody.

No. 5: Which is better Turbo Fire, P90X or the Slim in 6 workouts?: I have heard other people have had amazing results with Slim in 6 and TurboFire by Beachbody, but I’ve only tried Insanity. I found Insanity burns fat without a lot of bulk, which leads to the next question.

No. 6: Will I become bulky from doing the Insanity workout?: I did not find that I bulked up. I felt stronger. There are no weights involved with the Insanity workout. I think Insanity will give you a healthy fit look like Jennifer Aniston’s look when she is eating and exercising properly.

No. 7: What kind of shoes should I work to do the Insanity workout?: Wear a good pair of cross training shoes.

No. 8: Am I too old for the Insanity workout? I highly discourage anyone over the age of 50 from doing the Insanity Workout unless you are a professional athlete or long-distance runner.

No: 9: How hard is the Insanity Workout Fit Test?: The fit 30-minute test is really hard the first time you do it, but you will be excited by how you improve.

No. 10: Do you have to follow the Insanity Workout diet? I’ve received messages from some Insanity Workout fans who said it does not work without the diet. I think the specific Insanity diet is not necessary in my opinion, but some sort of healthy eating plan is necessary for best results. I was on the grapefruit diet for five days during the month, but mostly followed a moderate-fat diet.

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I was excited to be able to keep results for my Insanity Workout program, not just in terms of inches or weight loss but also in terms of muscle gain. Since I have a Tanita body fat scale, I’m able to see changes in fat as well as muscle.

Insanity Workout Results after first 30 days:

Muscle gained: 2 pounds

Fat Lost: 6 pounds

Total weight Loss: 4 pounds

I look forward to having better results for the second month when the intensity heats up! Is the Insanity workout a scam? Not in my experience – and I don’t work for the BeachBody company in any way. Please see your doctor though to get permission before starting something as intense as the Insanity Workout.

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