5 Things You Should Know Before Purchasing Shaun T’s Insanity Fitness Program

Debuting just under a year ago, Shaun T’s new “Insanity” workout program is all the rage these days. Claiming to be the “hardest workout ever put on DVD,” Insanity, produced by the ever popular Beachbody, promises to get your body in the best shape it’s ever been in, all in just 60 days.

Insanity uses what is called “Max Interval Training,” which is long episodes of intense aerobic activity broken up by short periods of rest. Using this method, Insanity claims you can burn up to 1,000 calories in one workout!

I was anxious to try out this new program, but I decided to do some research. Everyone said the same thing: “This workout is hard!” “Don’t try this unless you’re already in shape!” “I quit after a week!” Of course I just had to get in on the action (I can’t pass up a good challenge), so I decided to take the “Insanity Challenge.” I purchased my insanity program a few weeks ago, and I just started my third week. Most of the reviews hit the nail on the head, but there are a few things I wish I would have known before paying the pretty hefty fee for quick results. In this article, you will find everything you need to know to determine whether Insanity is right for you.

The program is separated onto 10 discs. You also get a nutrition plan and a fitness guide. Before you start the workout, you will do a fitness test. You will be asked to perform certain exercises as many times as you can in one minute. You will repeat the fit test every 2 weeks, and hopefully you will see your numbers improve as your body and heart get stronger. You will work out six days a week for 2 months, and with any luck you will see the results you expect!

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Sounds pretty amazing, right? Well, I thought so, too, but like I said before, there are a few things you should know before purchasing this product.

1. There are only 10 different workouts in the entire plan. During the first month, you rotate between 5 different workouts. During the recovery week, you do the same workout every day, and there are 5 new workouts for the second month. This might become monotonous for someone who is expecting to get 60 different workouts, one for each day. There will be a lot of repeating the same workout multiple times.

2. If you are more than a little overweight, do not buy this workout. It is very difficult, and it is not meant to help people lose a lot of weight. This program is for people who would probably already consider themselves to be in shape, and want to lose maybe 5-10 pounds, or even gain muscle weight. If you are overweight and are looking for a DVD workout program, I would recommend P90x, which is another great workout by Beachbody. It is less intense, but will still help you get in great shape. I don’t say this because I am trying to discriminate, I would just hate to see someone spend the money on a workout they might end up quitting after a week.

3. If you do decide to purchase Insanity, make sure you buy it from Beachbody’s official website. It is very tempting to buy from Amazon or Ebay because of the discounted price, but many who bought their program from these sites had a multitude problems with the DVD quality. Some contained blank discs, or were missing them entirely. Also, if you buy from Beachbody, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you decide it’s not for you it can be return for a full refund. Other sites do not offer this, so if you receive a defective disc, you’re out a lot of money and out of luck.

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4. Insanity says it is a 60-day program, but technically it takes 67 days to complete the plan. The recovery week between the 2 months is not counted in the 60 days, so if you’re hoping to get in shape for your wedding, vacation, or another specific event, don’t begin exactly 60 days before.

5. Check with your doctor before starting this program. I’ve heard of multiple people thinking they were in great shape, starting this workout, and finding out they have joint or heart problems they wouldn’t have known about otherwise.

I would still recommend this product to anyone who is determined and committed to getting in shape. So far I have had fantastic results, and I look forward to continuing my workout. After all, swimsuit season is just around the corner!


