Is Google Adsense a Scam?

There comes a time when you might question things in life, especially in business.

Is my business cost effective?

Is my business working to its full potential?

How can I better monetize my business website?

Am I being duped with regard to my time input and how much money I make?

Okay, those four questions above can relate to what you may be experiencing or have experienced at some time when you have thought about or used Google Adsense. They are very valid questions which I will attempt to answer in simple logic.

Is Google Adsense a Scam?

Answer: Absolutely not by a golden mile!

Google are simply one of the biggest and richest businesses on the internet today, they do not like bad publicity, and go out of their way to make the very best business decisions. They spend millions of dollars every year on helping businesses to make money, and in turn help themselves to make money too.

It would be crazy for a business to shoot itself in the foot when it comes to making revenue, Google are one of the best at not shooting themselves in the foot. They have so many protocols in place to protect themselves, their business partners, advertisers and publishers from bad business ethics.

You want your business to make money, and you want to make money as quickly as possible, legally and without too much hassle in as little time spent as you can. Also you want to make money from as many channels possible!

Google as a company give you an opportunity to make money by serving adverts on your website, they do not have to do this, but they do because it makes them money, and gives you a little incentive to use some of their other products, whether you use the free products or paid for premium products on offer it is up to you.

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Google’s webmaster tools have had millions of dollars spent on them to develop as many solutions to help your business progress, in turn these tools also help Google to make their revenue and provide the very highest level of service... so why would they spend millions on scamming people?

No you see the problem is, there are way too many people who think they can pull the wool over the eyes of Google and the Google Adsense program, only to find that they are easily caught out, or somewhere down the line have their Adsense Account terminated because of wrong doings.

There are also those businesses that go out to do the right thing and place Adsense on their Website, but make simple mistakes. Mistakes are not the fault of Google, it is up to the individual business to make sure every aspect of the Google Terms of Service ARE adhered to. If you do not comply you run the risk of having your Google Account pulled up or terminated.

Google will give you a chance to put things right, you can ask for advice in the Google Adsense Forums and you can go over the Terms of Service again and again until you have got things right.

Google Adsense is not a scam!

5 Common Publisher Mistakes

When it comes to making money with your business Wesite, you need to be following many codes of practice and ethics. Especially when using Google’s Website Tools and money making facilities. As a business serving adverts you are now known as an Adsense ‘Publisher’.

Common mistakes that are made include:

Copyright and Plagiarism – Google will not entertain obvious breaches of copyright and plagiarized material, if you are caught doing this you are out of there. This includes video material, text, documents and images that have not got the relevant permissions attached. You do get some leeway but not a lot. Always use the correct protocol… if you are unsure get yourself clued up on copyright quickly!

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Privacy Policy – You will be serving Google Adverts that use information gathering sources in some cases, such as cookies and trackers. You need to make your Website visitors know this by adding your own and Google’s Privacy Policy. You can find information on and make yours here

Banner/Advert Stacking – Going over the top with adverts is seen as trollish and spamming by Google, do not do it. You are affecting the partners of Google when you do this and run the risk of account termination. You may use other advertising revenue sources, just be very careful when it comes to ad placements and how many adverts you actually serve to a page. Again if in doubt consult your Adsense Help, there is some good information on Advert placement.

Lack of Website Material – If your Webpages become obsolete and have no information other than a set of adverts you are going to lose your Adsense account. Always have content that is relevant to your Website and business, and try not to contradict advertisers and there advertising.

Auto-Surfing/Automatic Website Hits – Using services that provide you with automatic hits to your Website is an absolute no no, these types of Website hits are seen as non-productive and invalid. Google track your visitors, so you cannot deceive them with Auto-Surfing programs. It is against the terms of Service and you will have your Account terminated.

In conclusion, it is up to you as a business to use the Adsense program in a professional and ethical manner. Trying to dodge, cheat and scam the system yourself will result in voiding any forth coming Ad Revenue payments, and losing your account.

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You can appeal any wrongful decisions by Google, but it is up to Google as to whether they decide to reinstate your account. You would have to provide as much evidence as you can, and it could take a great many weeks before you get any reply back.

Make sure you fully understand the Google Terms of Service before serving adverts, go to the Adsense Forums and ask for advice, there are many successful people ready to help you out should you need it.

Take a look at some already successful Websites and Business; you can gauge the correct advertising standards and ad placements from just having a browse around. Take a look here at Associated Content, AC have been serving Adverts successfully for many years, and have adopted the correct business methods.

Ultimately Google Adsense is NOT A SCAM!

It is likely if you have read any text or documentation on forums and websites that say it is a scam, then the chances are that that text was typed out by someone that did not do things correctly.

Good luck, and enjoy your Adsense experience, feel free to comment below with your advice and recommendations – Thank you.