Is Global Data Entry a Scam?

I recently came across a program called Global Data Entry which was being promoted on a work-at-home review website. I followed the link to the Global Data Entry page and carefully read all the information explaining the program in vast detail. After reading the entire pitch, I felt that for $49.95, it was worth my looking further into this program in order to understand the work-at-home opportunities the company claimed to offer.

What Work-at-Home Opportunities Does Global Data Entry Offer?

It has been about three months now since I first signed up with Global Data Entry. As promised, they did offer information on various work-at-home opportunities, including:

  1. Global Data Entry / My Data Team. This is the main program that the company tries to encourage its members to participate in. You will basically pick a company (or companies) that you’d like to promote online and be given all the tools to effectively do so (a.k.a., affiliate marketing). If you make a sale for the company (or companies) you choose, you get to share in a commission – often as high as 50% of the product’s price.
  2. Traditional data entry jobs. I was personally not impressed by this particular module. Many of the jobs are tedious and extremely low paying (I’m talking about pennies for hours of work sometimes). Also, many of the better paying job opportunities involve bidding for the work, a process that just seems too aggravating for me.
  3. Becoming a mystery shopper (aka “Certified Field Auditor”). I have yet to get involved in this module.
  4. Creating your own money-making blog sites. I have effectively utilized this module to build my own successful Costa Rica blog site.
  5. Writing articles and either posting them on internet sites where you can make money through advertising links (such as on Hubpages), or else selling the articles outright like we can do here on Yahoo Associated Content.
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Is Global Data Entry a Scam?

Although I have not gone through all the training modules yet, I’ve gone through enough of the programs to be able to say that the Global Data Entry program does not appear to be a scam. However, some of the claims on their web are a bit exaggerated (such as “making $300 – $2000 a day” and “in only 30 to 40 minutes”). For me, just getting through the training for the Global Data Entry / My Data Team program module took about twenty hours. Then the work itself, some of which I am now doing on a daily basis (i.e., affiliate marketing and blogging) have proven to be extremely time-consuming. Of course, I am just learning about these programs, and it is possible that after going through the processes a few more times I will learn to work much faster and efficiently than I am currently able to. Only time will tell.

What I will say is that I have definitely learned some very useful things from the Global Data Entry program, such as how to sign up with affiliate marketing services, how to pick and promote companies and products that can make you money, how to write good articles, where to sell or submit your articles, and how to create your own successful blog site. This information may all be available for free throughout the internet, but if you’ve never done any of this before, it’s hard to know where to start with it all. For someone who is new to making money online, like I was, Global Data Entry’s program organizes it all for you in an easy-to-follow and user-friendly format. In my opinion, that made it a pretty good return on the $49.95 fee that was charged for the program by the company. If, on the other hand, you’ve already done a bit of dabbling in affiliate marketing, blogging, article submission, and the like, you probably won’t get as much value out of the Global Data Entry program as I did.

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