Is Fiber Good for Weight Loss?

Have you been told you need to eat more fiber? In general, this is good advice. Most Americans fall far short of the recommended twenty-five to thirty grams of daily fiber needed for good health. Studies have shown that a high fiber diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. But, what if you’re trying to lose weight? Is fiber good for weight loss?

The overwhelming evidence suggests that fiber for weight control is a positive. Adding fiber to the diet helps with weight loss in several ways. Diets high in fiber help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels after a large meal which may help to offset fat storage. In addition, fiber moves slowly through the digestive tract, creating a greater sense of fullness so that hunger is kept at bay. People who eat a high fiber diet, generally consume fewer overall calories during the day relative to those who eat a standard, low-fat one. In addition, foods that are high in fiber, particularly fruits and vegetables are generally lower in calories than their low fiber counterparts.

One study showed that dieters who added fourteen grams of fiber to their diet took in ten percent fewer calories overall. It’s easy to see how consuming ten percent fewer calories a day could result in significant weight loss over time. Another study showed that overweight men and women lost more weight on a low-fat, high fiber diet than those who ate a low-fat, low fiber diet. Another bonus? They also reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes.

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These studies suggest that fiber may have an important role in weight control, although it doesn’t offset the importance of calorie and portion control. A high fiber diet for weight loss can make it easier to lose weight by increasing satiety and reducing cravings which may lead to fewer calories being consumed overall. Although high fiber foods are generally lower in calories, eating too many healthy, whole grains can still lead to weight gain if taken to an extreme. The reality is there’s really no free lunch when it comes to losing weight.

What about fiber supplements for weight loss? Most studies show that fiber supplements are less effective for weight loss than fiber from natural food sources. To get the benefits of fiber for weight loss, try making simple changes such as substituting brown rice or quinoa for white rice and eating whole wheat pasta instead of regular. Use whole grain bread for sandwiches and switch packaged breakfast cereals for whole grain oats. These small changes, over time, can lead to better weight control, and greater overall health.


  • Nutr Rev. 2001 May;59(5):129-39.
  • Med Sci Monit. 2004 Dec 22;11(1):I5-8