Is a FarmVille Cow Worth the Coins?

I sat down and decided to do the math to see if it was very profitable to have a FarmVille cow or two. It would be a very small profit margin over all comparing the boughten cow over the gifted FarmVille cow. If you’re thinking about having a dairy farm as your FarmVille farm, it’s not worth the time, effort, and coins.

Is it Worth Buying The Cow?

This is the original FarmVille cow. To buy this cow for milking purposes, you will need to have 300 FarmVille coins. You need to know is you can sell this cow for 15 coins. If you paid the 300 coins for your cow, it does not make any sense to sell it for the 15 coins.
Since this cow can produce milk on a daily basis, it can be sold at the marketplace on FarmVille for 6 coins a day. Would it be worth keeping your cow for milk producing purposes? Let’s do a little math to find out if it is worth buying the cow and selling the milk.

How much would you gain if you sold the cow for 15 FarmVille coins after paying 300 Farmville coins for it? The answer would be nothing because you paid more for the cow than you are selling it for. How much would you lose after buying the cow for 300 coins and selling it for 15 coins? The answer would be 285 coins.

To find out how long it will take you to recoup the 300 coins spent on the cow, take the 300 divide by 6. This will give you the answer of 50. It will take you 50 days earning 6 coins a day to recoup your 300 coins.

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The milk from this cow sells for 6 coins each day it is produced. Take the 6 coins times the days of the week to find out how much you will earn from this cow’s milk each week. The answer is 42 coins. For a month that has 31 days, your cow can earn you 186 FarmVille coins. A month that has 30 days this cow will earn you 180 coins. A month that has 28 days, your cow’s milk will earn you 168 FarmVille coins.

To find out how much this cow’s milk will earn you in a year take 365 times 6. The answer is 2190 coins. This isn’t a lot of coins from one cow. If you bought the cow, you have a surplus of coins totaling 1890.

Is it Worth Having the Cow Gifted to You?

If you are one of the lucky players who has received this cow as a gift on FarmVille, the cost of the cow to you is zero. If you have received the cow as a gift, you could make a 15 coin profit by selling the cow before selling any of the milk.

Since you received the cow for free, how much would you lose if you sold the cow for 15 coins before you started using it for milk production? The answer would be zero. How much would you gain if you sold the cow? You would gain 15 coins. If you were gifted the cow, you paid nothing for it. How much would you be ahead of the cost of the cow? If you said 300 coins, that would be the correct answer. If your cow was gifted to you, you have earned 2190 coins for a complete profit from the milk. In total, you are ahead 2490 FarmVille coins from the gifted cow. It would be very profitable to keep the gifted cow.

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While you can gain a profit from buying a Farmville cow, it is more profitable to have a cow gifted to you. If you have bought a cow and have had one gifted to you, your gross profit off the two cows could be 4380 since one cow didn’t cost anything to obtain it.