Farmville on Facebook: Guide to Neighbors

You started playing Farmville on Facebook, but there’s just one problem: You don’t have very many neighbors. Here are the secrets to getting more Farmville neighbors, plus reasons why you want and need more neighbors in Farmville.

Why do I need more Farmville neighbors?

Adding more neighbors helps you earn experience points. Every time you visit a neighbor’s farm, you earn 5 experience points for the first 20 neighbors you help. After that, you receive 1 experience point for each farm you visit.

Farmville ribbons are also awarded based on neighbors. Earning ribbons gets you lots of experience points (depending on each ribbon–some ribbons are worth experience points in the thousands!). The “Good Samaritan” and “Local Celebrity” ribbons depend on friends.

Land expansion also depends on how many neighbors you have, if you want to use Farmville coins.

Homestead requires 8 Farmville neighbors
Family Farm requires 10 Farmville neighbors
Big Family Farm requires 13 neighbors
Plantation requires 16 neighbors.

The bigger expansions are not available, but will likely require even more Farmville neighbors. You can buy expansions without the neighbor requirement but it requires Farmville Cash (i.e. spending real money or filling out offers).

Friends also send gifts that are not available for purchase in the Farmville store. Many trees and animals are only available via gifting. The more friends you have, the more unique gifts you’ll receive.

How do I add Farmville neighbors?
Click on the “My Neighbors” tab on the top of your screen. On the top of the page, you’ll see all your friends who are already your neighbor. If you need to remove friends as neighbors, you can click the “Remove Neighbor” button. Scroll down the page to the end of your neighbors. This is where your Facebook friends already playing Farmville, but are not your neighbor yet are located. Click the “add ____ as a neighbor” button to send a Farmville neighbor request to your friend.

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How do I invite friends?
To invite your non-Farmville playing friends, click on the “Invite Friends” tab at the top of your screen. Here you will see a list of all the friends you can invite. You’re allowed to invite 24 of your friends to the game from this screen.

I’ve exhausted my list of “real” Facebook friends. How do I get more Farmville neighbors?
You will need to start adding strangers to your Facebook page. Do this by searching Facebook for “Farmville Group” – you will find several Farmville neighbor “add me” groups on Facebook. Simply post a message to the group wall, and you’ll have plenty of Farmville friend requests and neighbors in no time.

I don’t want to add strangers to my Facebook page!
If you’re concerned about privacy, the best way to separate your Farmville game-only friends from your “real” friends is to create a Farmville list. Before you begin adding Farmville friends to your Facebook page, click on the “Friends” tab at the top of the Facebook website. On the right of your screen, there is a “List” section. Click “Create List.” Type “Farmville” in the name box when the pop up comes up. Then, click “create list.”

Then, you can edit your privacy settings for the Farmville list. To do this, go to the “Privacy Settings” page and click on “Profile”.

Then, click on “Contact information” and click on “edit custom settings” for whatever you want blocked from Farmville friends. You’ll see an option for “except these people.” Start typing “Farmville” into the box and your list will pop up. Do this for everything you don’t want Farmville friends to see!

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Then, when you start adding friends, click the “list” drop down box in the friend request, and select Farmville. This will place them in the group and apply all privacy settings automatically when they accept your request.

I’m getting a message saying that I cannot send anymore Farmville neighbor requests. Why?
Farmville, like most Facebook apps, limits the number of notifications a user can send each day in that application. It’s believed that Farmville allows 24 notifications per person, per day. However, this notification limit also includes gifts sent, farms worked on, and neighbor requests. If you’re planning on adding a bunch of neighbors, hold off on sending gifts or helping out on your neighbors’ farms that day. You can also click “undo” when you see a notification on the bottom left of your screen.
