Intestinal Parasites: Could You Be Infected?

Did you know that at this very moment, over 700 million people are playing host to an internal parasite? Approximately 85 percent of Americans are infected with an intestinal parasite. Could you be one of them? There are over 3,000 types of parasites, and of these, up to 100 different varieties can only survive inside the human body. They range from being microscopic in size, to several feet long.

Parasites are everywhere and can invade your body in a number of different ways. They can enter your body through any opening such as the nose, mouth, or pores in the skin. Neglecting to wash your hands, kissing, sexual intercourse, walking barefoot (both inside and outside), eating improperly cooked or infected foods, and contaminated water intake are all ways of becoming infected by a nasty parasite.

Many of us are infected by internal parasites, but do not know it because the symptoms are rarely severe enough for us to realize it or become concerned. However, over the course of time, being infected by an internal parasite can be deadly.

Parasites invade our body, populate our gastro-intestinal tract, rob us of vital nutrients, and irritate already existing health problems. They feed off of our bodies, causing severe harm in the process. Failure to remove present intestinal parasites can be detrimental to our bodies causing a number of problems, and can even result in death.

There are 5 parasites most commonly found in the U.S. today. Enterobius vermicularis is more commonly known as pinworm or roundworm. Approximately 209 million people are infected worldwide, and approximately 30 percent of those are children. Pinworm infects the body through the consumption of contaminated food. Giardia lamblia infects more humans worldwide than any other known parasite, and the second most common parasite found in the U.S. It is transmitted through fecal-oral contamination, and is found in streams. Backpackers and campers are very susceptible to this parasite. Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus, more commonly known as hookworm, is most often found in Asian countries, Europe, Africa and the Caribbean. They enter the body through bare feet. Finally, Entamoeba histolytica is found in areas of poor sanitation, and are commonly found in the under-developed areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

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Some common problems associated with internal parasites are constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, gas, bloating, flu-like symptoms, grinding teeth, irritability, nose bleeding, rapid weight loss or gain, stomach indigestion, dark circles under the eyes, cold hands and feet, urinary tract infection, fever, depression, mood swings, increased secretion of mucus, abscesses, painful bowel movements, appendicitis, liver damage, rashes, insomnia, abdominal pain, bloody stool, cravings for non-food items, and death, just to name a few.

At some point, all of us have experienced at least one of the problems on this list. However, the majority of them are considered minor irritations that are ignored. Quite often, they are not checked out with a doctor or medical professional. In some cases, even testing for an intestinal parasite will not prove to be successful because only a small percentage of parasites can be detected using modern tests.

Because of this, it is important for us to take the appropriate steps to avoid being infected with an intestinal parasite. In addition to this, we should also do a simple parasite cleanse, to rid our bodies of any parasites that may be present.

Parasite Prevention. Preventing parasites from invading our body is really quite simple. For starters, maintain proper hygiene by washing your hands often. Avoid walking outside barefoot. Never wear shoes indoors. Keep your environment clean by dusting and vacuuming your home regularly. Always wear slippers while indoors. Always wear gloves when doing any outside work or gardening. Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables, and cut out any punctures or scrapes found on the produce. Thoroughly cook all meats and avoid eating raw or undercooked meat. Keep all kitchen surfaces clean and use separate cutting boards for meat and produce. Avoid swallowing water while swimming in lakes, ponds, rivers, streams or public swimming pools. If possible, avoid swimming if any nicks, cuts, wounds or scrapes are present on your body. It is best to keep all animals outdoors, but if this is not possible, be sure to have them checked regularly for intestinal parasites and worms. Avoid eating foods high in fat. A variety of herbs are also known to kill parasites and their eggs. Therefore, cooking with herbs is another way to prevent intestinal parasites. Finally, taking a daily multi-vitamin strengthens your immune system. In many cases parasites thrive in bodies with low immune systems. Therefore, taking a daily multi-vitamin may be beneficial.

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Parasite Cleanse. If you suspect that you have an intestinal parasite, or if you have been diagnosed with having one, there are a variety of ways to rid them from you body.

There is an assortment of products on the market today that claim to cleanse your body of parasites. In addition, there are several prescription medications that can be used to kill parasites present in the body.

It is believed that certain foods can rid the body of parasites. Coconut, garlic, papaya, pomegranate, pineapple, carrot, and pumpkin seeds are foods found to be effective in eliminating the body of parasites. Herbs such as cloves, wormwood, Turkish rhubarb, calamus, slippery elm bark, and black walnut have also been found effective.

Other treatments include eating a well-balanced diet and cleansing the colon through herbs, a water enema, or colon irrigation.

Intestinal parasites are most certainly something to be avoided. Following these simple steps to prevent and eliminate intestinal parasites is an important way to keep yourself and your family healthy.


Applied Ozone Systems. “Human Intestinal Parasite Worms”.

American Family Physician. “Common Intestinal Parasites”.

Home Remedies. “Intestinal Worms Symptoms”.