Parasites and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Recent medical evidence indicates that intestinal parasites may be a contributing factor of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Scientific research confirms that over 100 different types of parasites and worms can reside within the human body. Some are microscopic in size, while others can grow up to 35 feet in length while residing within the intestine.

Now, before you claim that you could never have parasites, think again. Parasites can be found everywhere in our environment. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. It is estimated that between 80 and 95 percent of Americans have some type of parasite living inside their body.

Pet owners are more likely to contract parasites than those who do not own pets. Dogs, cats, reptiles and rodents are host to many parasites that humans can contract. If you keep your pets indoors, your risk for parasite infection becomes even higher. Animals can spread over 200 diseases to humans through the transmission of parasites. If you are a pet owner, experts recommend adding fresh garlic and nutritional yeast to pet food in order to control parasite infestation.

A recent medical study states, “American men live shorter lives of up to 4 years because of parasites.” Another study claims the average American male carries up to two pounds of parasites inside his body.

Parasites can affect the intestine, liver, circulatory system, brain, skin and other organs. Common parasites include giardia, cryptosporidium, candida, taenia (tapeworms), ascaris (roundworms), and trichuris (hookworms).

Symptoms of parasitic infections include abdominal cramps, colitis, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, chronic fatigue, allergies, anemia, and general malaise. These are all symptoms that can easily be misdiagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Standard medical training does not address parasites as a possible cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Very few physicians consider parasite infestation as a probable cause. If a physician does suspect parasites, they will oftentimes have the patient submit multiple stool samples for testing. Unfortunately, testing for parasites via stool samples is not reliable unless one has severe parasite infection.

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Additionally, standard medical tests have a limited scope in determining chronic parasite infestation. Tests are only available for about five percent of the known varieties of parasites. To make matters worse, the tests that are available are only accurate about 20 percent of the time.

Due to the fact that parasite testing is somewhat unreliable and in many cases, unavailable; experts recommend engaging in an intestinal cleansing and detoxification program. While there are prescription medications available to treat parasitic infections, it’s important to note that these drugs oftentimes will cause the parasites to relocate to another area of the body.

The best way to treat a parasitic infection is to use a nutritional detox and rejuvenation program that will balance and restore the immune system. Everyone infected with worms is deficient in essential nutrients – i.e.; vitamins and minerals.

Consuming a diet that is high in carbohydrates, low in protein and high in alkaline has been found to make parasitic infection worse. This type of diet is also known to trigger IBS symptoms.

Parasites thrive in an environment where there is excess mucus. A certain amount of mucus is required to coat the digestive tract. When mucus becomes too thick and heavy, it becomes unhealthy and turns into a breeding ground for parasites.

Foods that are known to increase mucus production include refined foods, such as white flour and white sugar; processed foods; and excessive amounts of animal products including dairy, meat, and eggs. Other factors that can increase mucus production include being overweight and lack of daily exercise.

Dr. Hulda Clark, independent research scientist and author of “The Cure for All Diseases,” recommends using a combination of black walnut hulls, wormwood, and common cloves to eliminate intestinal parasites.

Black walnut extract is not only useful in eliminating parasites from the body, but also as an anti-fungal remedy. Its laxative properties help expel worms and parasites from the body. It is most useful in eliminating tapeworms, pinworms, and ringworm. Black walnut extract is known to oxygenate the body, which is one of the reasons it is so effective in eliminating parasites.

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Wormwood is derived from the leaves and flowers of the wormwood shrub. Some intestinal worms, such as the hookworm, attach themselves to organs, or bury themselves deep into tissue. Wormwood is used to anesthetize intestinal worms, so they will loosen their grip on the intestines. Additionally, Wormwood in used in herbal medicine to reduce stomach pain, and to help relieve anemia associated with parasitic infection.

When using cloves for parasite removal, it’s imperative that non-irradiated cloves be used. Most spices are irradiated using up to 35,000 times the amount of radiation permitted in a chest x-ray. Spices are irradiated to eliminate bacteria. The odd thing is, most spices are natural bactericides and technically do not require the extensive amount of radiation used. For the most part, the only thing irradiation does is destroy the health properties of spices.

Non-irradiated cloves and other spices are available in most health food stores. Cloves are a natural antiseptic and bactericidal. Others spices that are effective in parasite elimination include:

* Garlic
* Pumpkin Seeds
* Grapeseed Extract
* Sage
* Thyme
* Fennel
* Goldenseal

In order to get rid of parasites and intestinal worms, it’s imperative that you consume a diet that is completely free of refined foods. Depending on the severity of infestation, this diet will need to be adhered to for a minimum of three weeks, and for as long as three to six months.

Experts recommend engaging in a liver cleansing program in addition to a colon cleansing and parasite cleansing program. The reason being is that oftentimes parasites will move around to avoid losing their home during a colon or parasite cleanse. They can end up setting up a new home in your liver.

Additionally, when parasites die off, their bodies generate ammonia and can cause a toxic reaction. Oftentimes mycotoxins are released into the body, which can cause a wide range of symptoms including nausea, stomach pains, headache and fever. Engaging in a liver cleanse will help reduce toxicity and eliminate toxic reactions from parasite die-off.

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Last, but not least, parasites thrive in the absence of proper intestinal flora. A large percentage of the U.S. population is suffering from an imbalance in intestinal flora. If you have ever taken antibiotics, chances are good that your “friendly bacteria” count is much lower than it should be. Chlorinated water is also known to reduce the body’s intestinal flora. If you’re drinking tap water with chlorine additives, chances are good that your flora is out of balance.

Dietary supplements called “probiotics” can help to restore natural balance of intestinal flora. These supplements are sold as acidophilus, bifidus, and bulgaricus. The herb turmeric is also known to increase “friendly bacteria.”

Depending on the severity of parasite infestation, it can take up to one year for the body to fully recover. Parasites can cause damage to the heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, and even the brain. They can cause anemia and other blood complications.

There are several reliable and trustworthy cleansing products on the market. While most parasite removal treatments are safe, certain individuals may be sensitive to ingredients. It’s always best to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the best parasite removal program for you.

For further information on parasites and cleansing programs, visit the Recommended Resources listed below.
