Interview with Talented Trisha O’Keefe

If you are looking for an woman’s twist on REM’s “Losing My Religion”, check out the talented Trisha O’Keefe. I’ve already turned some of my friends on to her music. Many even have this song as their Myspace profile song. It will bring you to your knees! This girl has such a powerful voice. I knew as soon as I heard her sing, I had to interview her. After sending an email to set up a Q&A;, she gladly accepted. Here is what Trisha had to say.

SM- The way it sounds, you’ve always wanted to be a musician. How does it feel to be able to live out your dream?

TO- I know how lucky I am to get to do this for a living. It’s a lot of hard work, but I’ve always believed that anything worth having in life is worth putting the work in to attain. I get to come in contact with some of the most amazing people, I get to travel, and all just to play music. How cool is that?

SM- How exciting! When writing your music, do you have a certain subject you envision in your head, or does your inspiration just flow from random parts of nature?

TO- I’ve always viewed my writing as “Life—and the reaction to life.”. If something in my day-to-day moves me to write, I will. If something happens in the lives of family or friends, and I’m moved to write about it, I will. I’m very much an “of the moment” writer, I write from my heart and my emotions, from what I’m feeling at that point in time.

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SM- I can hear your emotion so clearly in your music! Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

TO- Underdogs are my biggest inspiration. People who are able to strive above the expectations set for them. A lot of people told me I couldn’t do this as a career, and it only motivated me further. It’s always inspiring to find people that just won’t quit, or didn’t quit and made it to their desired level of success.

SM- That is great, I’m happy you didn’t give up! Okay, now let’s hear about the down time. When you have a day off, what do you do for fun?

TO- When I am afforded the luxury of a day off, I like to start with some serious sleeping-in. After that, I like to write. I have several screen plays that sit cozily in the recesses of my computer. Or, I’ll watch some TV. I’m obsessed with watching the Food Network. I can’t cook, but I would LOVE to know how. By the end of the day, I’m down in my music room playing my guitar and working on new tunes, almost like I never had the day off in the first place

SM- Last question, tell me something strange about yourself that not many people know about you.

TO- Hmm…something strange. I’m allergic to cantaloupe. It makes my tongue swell to twice its size. However, I can eat fruit salad that contains cantaloupe I can’t eat the cantaloupe itself, but I can eat the fruit around it. Weird, right?

SM- That is very strange? Well, I’m allergic to dirt, so I guess that is weird too?

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TO-In closing, my new record will be out in May, and I encourage everyone in the world to pick up a copy. Just please don’t try to pay in cantaloupe. And please visit my website: Cantaloupe-free since 2004.

Okay, you heard it, no cantaloupes please! I promise you will not be disappointed when you check out Trisha’s music. She’s got a voice that will move you and song lyrics you can relate to. Check her out: .