Interview with Stela, Supporter and Friend of Serial Killer Richard Ramirez, “The Night Stalker”

The death sentence case of Richard Ramirez, also know as “The Night Stalker” will not be reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court. Ramirez’s death sentence will be upheld. In August of 2006, the state Supreme Court rejected Ramirez’s claim that numerous errors were made in his Los Angeles trial, according to City News Service.

Ramirez, a known Satanist, was named The Night Stalker, because he always struck at night like a vampire. His crime spree lasted from June 1984 to August 1985, when he was stopped by an angry group of residents from East Los Angeles. Ramirez, now 47 is on death row in San Quentin for the murders of 14 people. He was also convicted of approximately 30 other counts besides murder City News Service reported.

Ramirez’s case was a high profile case, and numerous books and movies were made about him. He is a known Satan Worshiper. The pentagram drawn on his palm was shown in the courtroom.

I spoke with Stela Vasques, supporter and friend of Richard’s about him. Stela corresponds with Richard, and asked her the following questions.

Have you ever visited with Richard, or do you just correspond by mail? Do you plan on ever visiting with him?

* For now I just correspond by mail, but I would pay him a visit later, as I promised.

How does Richard spend his time in prison?

*Richard is in maximum security. He spends his time reading, writing for his pen pals, drawing, listens to music in an AM/FM radio… I don’t know how a person can live in a “cage” for so many years. It’s incredible.

It’s a well know fact that Richard worships Satan, does he ever speak about this in his letters?

* No. Richard never speaks about Satan or other “dark” things. I know that many people don’t like to hear this but Richard is a very nice person. I mean he has or had that dark side that we all know but on the other hand he can be also very sweet, respectful and he cares. If people read some of the letters that he sent to me, they would be surprised…

Do you feel his background played a major role in his crime spree?

* Now that you have mentioned it, I don’t know why not how Richard’s defense team in court never mentioned his background! That is unbelievable! Yes, for me his background played a major role in his crime spree, definitely. Richard didn’t choose to be a serial killer, something happened…

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Why and how did you start to write to Richard?

* I decided to write to Richard after seeing a documentary about him on Biography Channel. When I saw him on the screen for the first time, I felt a strong empathy and tenderness for him. I also had a strange feeling of connection, like as if I known Richard always. After I did some research on his life and then started to write to him.

Presently I make up part of the (unfortunately) small percentage of people who do something to help inmates, especially on death row. I can say now that it has made me grow myself a little more, so I am very glad and proud.

Do you believe in Richard’s rehabilitation?

* No one knows why a person becomes a serial killer and what serial killers have in common is the fact that they cannot stop their killing spree until they are caught. Most serial killers had a bad childhood and that could be the reason why they started to kill in the first place. Some specialists say that serial killers are products of society, some say that it is a dysfunction in a specific area of the brain, but there is no concrete explanation. I am quite sure that Richard has changed a lot, but I don’t know to what point. I think maybe more intense rehabilitation for the serial killer, but then again… Who knows??

Why in your opinion did he become a serial killer or when he started to change?

Stela based this question on information she received from Richard’s biography, at this site:

* Well, Richard had bad experiences in his life. Uhh…I read that Richard was epileptic and that started to ruin Richard’s life and in fact one of the things that leave him very angry was that he wasn’t allowed to play football because of his epileptic attacks. Richard’s father believed in corporal punishment and he beat in his sons in a very brutal way. What most perturbed Richard wasn’t the fact that his father beat him but instead the fact that his father beat in his brothers. That really touched Richard. When Richard was 8 or 9 years old his 2 brothers were victims of a pedophile, who was a teacher. Richard never said “Yes I was abused” but his brothers believed he was and from what I read, I believe in that too.

I read how Richard’s cousin Mike, he received innumerous medals & honorable mentions. Mike took care of Richard and revealed some war secrets, very sinister to a child of 10, 11 years old. Mike used to kill women in war just for fun, for pleasure. They were the enemy so no one cared. He used to take them to the jungle. He tied them up, raped them and then killed them. He also took pictures of those women terrified and tied up to trees and then dead, with their heads cut off. When Mike came back from Vietnam he brought back those gore pictures in a shoes box and he show them to Richard. He taught Richard war techniques, how to walk in the jungle without being noticed and he haunted animals to teach Richard the best way to kill. Later, after an argument with his wife, Mike killed her with a shot in the head. Richard said that he saw her falling already dead in slow motion. Her head had a hole squirting blood. Richard saw everything and he was just a child of 10, 11 years old. I read all this on his biography.

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For me that was what changed Richard. I also read that was the turning point in Richard’s life. It said Mike was arrested and put in a psychiatric constitution. Richard never told to his parents what he saw in Mike’s house and then he started to act strangely, like for example sleeping in the cemetery. Later Mike was released and he and Richard started using drugs. Mike becomes a big influence in Richard’s life. A few years later, Richard with 18 years old moved to LA, alone… These are some of Richard’s life experiences and they could be very well, the motive why Richard become a serial killer.


If you were family of one of Richard’s victims you will chose the death penalty for him?

*If I knew today that a close member of my family was killed by someone I could be blinded of rage & want the killer’s death. That reaction is acceptable because we are just humans but is not the right way; it’s just one of our basic instincts which I call revenge. But me, my nature would not allow me to want the death penalty for anyone. I wouldn’t be blind for too long, if I am blinded. I am a compassionate person & I have the ability of understanding. I can see things in many spectrum’s. For me, the death of someone doesn’t bring anyone back; doesn’t make a good change in anyone’s life. I am not saying “freedom to all” and I agree with life in prison for some cases but I definitely do not believe in the death penalty. That is not solution its revenge and just brings more victims.

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Richard committed his crimes in 1984/85. I am surprised at how people still want his death. Richard also has a family who loves him very much but that seems to be unimportant for the most of people and that is really sad. We all could sooner or later, have a criminal in our family, but people don’t think about that. When they realized that they also have a loved one on death row (in the event that if it does happen), it is too late because they voted for the death penalty. How do people want to stop the criminality when they teach to their sons & daughters that an eye for an eye is the right decision, that to kill is justice? They think that the death penalty will stop the crime? I don’t think so. How many millionaires do you see on death row? And how much more innocent people have to die on the death row? Justice?! How can we believe in justice when we live in a world of corruption? The really bad guys are not in prison, they are outside and very well. They control our countries and they kill more people than anyone and openly, using their own excuses for their own profit. Justice?! I could say so much more…

I would like to thank you for speaking about Richard, and at this time if you would like to add anything please do so.

* Thank you very much, Dee. Many blessings.

Stela has told in her own words, her feelings toward Richard, and his case. Some of her text was what she has read in books and websites about him, and the source is given for those who want to read more about this case. Stela is an animal rights activist as well, and advocates for the humane treatment of animals.

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