Indoor Plant Care During Winter

Indoor plants need love and tender care all year round. However, in winter they need special attention due to the cold weather and lack of natural sunlight. There are different ways to keep your plants warm during the winter. A combination of appropriate level of light, heating mats, an electric heater and humidifier can provide proper heating and comfort for your indoor plants.

Here are some easy ways to take care of your indoor plants,

Indoor plants need an appropriate level of light with the help of fluorescent light fixtures. Simply installing the fluorescent lights in rooms where you have placed the plants provides dramatic artificial light badly needed during the winter. The position of lights should be 10 to 15 inches above the indoor plants. Fluorescent lights will also help warm the plants slightly.

Buying some heated mats specifically designed for indoor plants is another way to keep your plants warm. A 20 x 20 heated mat of 45 watts can be found at the local garden store for under $50. Simply place your plants on top of the heating mat. The mat will heat the soil of each plant from 10 to 20 degrees F above the room temperature. The heating mats come with the instructions on how to use the mat, including the watering requirements while mats are in use. You can buy mats according to the size of your plants, and various sizes are available. Heated mats also keep the plants at a consistent temperature.

Buying an electric heater to keep your plants properly heated is a great investment. If you have several indoor plants in your room or in a living room, you should invest in a small electric heater designed for indoor plants. There are good electric heaters available in the market for under $100. An electric heater comes with a built-in dial thermostat, heat settings (1,000 to 1,500 watts) and fan-only settings. You will not only control the room temperature but will also provide an adequate level of heating for your indoor plants

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Your plants require proper humidification. Buy a small humidifier from a local appliance store. The humidifier will cost less than $50, but it will provide adequate humidity and heating during the whole winter. An average house does not have enough humidity required by the indoor plants. Most of the indoor plants prefer the humidity level from 50 to 60 percent above the room temperature. A humidifier reduces the dryness in the room by adding moisture into the air.

Protect indoor plants from cold winter air. Place the plants away from outside doors to avoid cold air. The best position for indoor plants to protect from freezing cold is near the window. However, ensure windows are clean and that nothing blocks the plant from getting adequate sunlight.

Your extra love and tender during the winter will keep your indoor plants healthy and happy.