Increasing Your Milk Supply with Goat’s Rue

The use of goat’s rue to increase milk supply goes centuries back. French farmers in the 1800s first described the powerful effects of goat’s rue when they gave it to their dairy cows. One farmer wrote in a letter to the French Academy about how his cows began producing 30 percent to 50 percent more milk all because of this little herb, which was now being referred to as “holy hay” with its seemingly magical properties. And guess what? It works for humans, too!

What is goat’s rue?
Goat’s rue is a plant grown in Asia and Europe. Back in the day, it was believed to treat the plague. Today some say it acts as a diuretic and digestive aid and can help treat chronic constipation and pancreatitis (though all of this needs more sufficient research). It has been proven to lower blood sugar in patients with diabetes and also increase a breastfeeding mother’s milk supply.

How much should I take if I want to increase my supply?
Most brands require you to take one capsule three to four times per day in order to see results. Standard capsules contain 333 to 450 milligrams. Always check the back of the bottle to ensure you are taking the correct dosage.

What brand should I get?
There are not very many companies that I have run across that sell goat’s rue. Mother’s Love is definitely the most well-known brand and is probably carried in every health food store. I have purchased Mother’s Love More Milk Plus, which is a combination supplement containing goat’s rue, and I couldn’t have been happier with the results…err, minus the price tag. A month’s supply will cost you upwards of $30 with this brand! It’s definitely more pricey than fenugreek and blessed thistle, two other popular and effective milk boosting supplements which cost around $5 for a month’s supply.

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Are there any precautions I should take?
Don’t take this supplement if you are already taking medication to lower your blood sugar for diabetes. Goat’s rue is known to lower your blood sugar and combining that with your medication may lower it too much. Also, never consume it freshly picked because it is highly toxic. It’s generally considered safe once dried and used in tea or capsule form, however.

How much will my supply increase?
I can’t say how well goat’s rue will work for you, but I can say it will probably work to some degree. I have never taken an isolated form of this supplement, so I can’t speak for its effectiveness on its own, but it definitely helped me alongside fenugreek. I would estimate that it boosted my overall milk supply by 5 percent to 10 percent.

When will I see results?
I typically say to wait four to seven days to see results.

If you have the money to spend, try it! Sometimes the cheaper galactagogues don’t work for everyone. If you’re in a crunch with low milk supply and fenugreek and blessed thistle aren’t doing the trick, try some goat’s rue.