Increasing Thin Uterine Lining Naturally

As we age, uterine lining is something to be concerned about, especially if we are trying to conceive. Without it being thick enough, the newly conceived zygote is unable to attach itself to the uterus properly and begin its nine month journey inside the womb. Many times this may result in a early miscarriage, or many times the menstrual cycle will begin without the woman ever knowing anything existed. Disappointing either way, especially if you are trying to conceive. There are some natural ways to go about stimulating a thicker endometrial growth, they will require some lifestyle changes in order to be effective, but if it leads you to that newborn in your arms, I’m sure you won’t feel it was too high a price to pay.

I’ll start by saying that our uterine linings are created with estrogen. The more estrogen we have the lusher and thicker the lining will be, and we will notice more of a good quality menstrual flow. As we age we find our estrogen levels decreasing. Which in turn will decrease the thickness of the uterine lining. You’ll know this is probably happening by seeing scanty menstrual flows, and menstrual cycles that sometimes almost do not exist. Our endocrine system, namely our ovaries, are putting out less estrogen at this point. Some women might see this start happening anywhere from mid thirties into early 40’s. The good news is, we can greatly improve this with diet and lifestyle changes. Some whole food and exercise will go a long way in getting us more normal menstrual flows again, and improving the health of our endocrine system as a whole, making conception possible.

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The endocrine system consists of 6 glands that have various tasks to carry out. Regarding fertility, we primarily deal with the hypothalmus, the pituitary, and in women the ovaries. Each of these glands has a role of its own in making ovulation happen. Poor diet and inactivity radically affect the function of these precious glands, in turn greatly affecting our fertility. Refined sugar and simple carbs can be a death sentence to fertility and these glands particularly. Sugar and simple carbs are known for throwing off the endocrine system off greatly, resulting in various degrees of fertility trouble. If we disrupt the delicate balance of our endocrine system at any level, whether its the pituitary, hypothalumus, or others, with simple carbs, we stand the chance of paying the price with many facets of our fertility. Including less estrogen production from the ovaries, resulting in a thin uterine lining. If your a more mature woman thats trying to conceive, sugar and simple carbs should be avoided completely. Its just not worth the havoc they cause. Our endocrine systems under normal conditions are finely tuned. One gland beginning a process and stimulating the other gland into action. This process is so negatively affected by poor diet. If your trying to conceive its just not worth eating the wrong stuff. It sets us so far back, and if we’re already fighting the clock, thats something we just don’t need.

There are some supplements, either herbal or vitamin wise, that can aid this whole endocrine improvement task along as well. An herb called vitex, or chasteberry is widely known for its ability to balance the hormonal system. Also, an enzyme called bromelain, a derivative of pineapple, is gaining noteriety in its ability to augment uterine lining. A bromelain tablet with every meal would be the way to go. Good nutritional oils from omega 3, 6, and 9’s will always benefit the endocrine system and help create balance. A good B-complex will enhance things as well. Antioxidants of all varieties, Green tea, Alpha lipoic acid, Vitamin C, resveratrol (a component of red wine), pycogenol, Vitamin E, and Selenium, all of these will work together to quench oxidants, keeping our systems and livers cleaner. As a result of being cleaner our endocrine systems are better able to function at an optimum level.

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In her book “Inconceivable”, Julia Indochiva age 42 at the time, with a FSH level of the same number, 42 as well, makes reference to how she notices a better menstrual quality with her menstrual cycles monthly, once she makes the change to a whole foods diet, and incorporates some excercise and yoga as well. I can also confirm this myself as well. I actually had scanter menstrual flows in my earlier forties before adopting this as a lifestyle. Now, I can attest to more quality and quantity of a flow as well. When you make the switch to a whole foods diet, you nourish your endocrine system with what it was meant to have in order to carry out what it was designed to do. With more nourishment, your ovaries will be more eager to do what they were created to do and have the ability to produce more estrogen for you, creating more of a lush thick uterine lining. As a result, you will notice more menstrual flow with your monthly cycles, as well as just a better cycle experience as a whole. PMS will greatly be reduced and your endocrine system will hum along like the finely tuned machine it is supposed to be. You just can’t lose eating and living this way. Its a winner in all facets of our fertility, and once we are holding that newborn in our arms, we will be so thankful we did.