Home Remedies for Menstrual Migraines

Menstrual cycles are the curse of women. These monthly cycles can be pain-free for some lucky women. Unfortunately, according to WebMD, more than 60 to 70% of women report that their migraines are related to their menstrual cycle. A common topic of conversation isn’t usually how much pain you suffer during your menstrual cycle. Who wants to think about those terrible days In fact, this is the one subject women would prefer to avoid.

Long, painful periods are a fact a life, unfortunately, and if we can tackle where the pains and aches are, we can create a more relaxing atmosphere for our bodies, thus eliminating the pain associated with the menstrual cycle.

My Menstrual Cycle Journey

I’ve dealt with extreme menstrual headache and menstrual pain for years. As I’ve learned the importance of home remedies, I soon realized that home remedies are budget-friendly and they can transform my way-of-life. I’ve learned different things that can make my menstrual cycle almost pain-free. Home remedies work different for each person so you really need to try out

Document Monthly Changes in Body for Menstrual Headache Relief

By watching your body, you will begin to notice different aches and pains that often come during the menstrual cycle. This is important because as you know what your menstrual cycle looks like, you can prepare beforehand.

For instance, if you have menstrual headaches just before you start, notice the symptoms so you can immediately take medication. Some favorites are Pamprin, Migraine Headache medicine, and aspirin. The key is to try out different over the counter medicines to find which one works best for you. Everyone is different.

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Take Long, Hot Baths for Menstrual Headache Relief

This seems so simple but heat is vital to relaxing you from aches and pains. Heat on your aching muscles can be the difference between a painful few days and a pain-free menstrual cycle. The heat from the baths will help you not only feel better, but also relax your body muscles. If you know what day you are supposed to start, get those hot baths started so you keep your body relaxed.

Apply Heat to Head for Menstrual Headache Relief

When a menstrual headache is at its worse, sometimes light and sound can be unbearable. During these times, apply a hot rag over your head for quick relief. Also, use a heating pad on top of the head for longer heat relief.

Eat Smaller Meals Can Relieve Menstrual Headaches

During your menstrual cycle, you want to make sure your digestive system is working properly. Drink plenty of water to help flush out your system.

Hot Tea is Therapeutic to Menstrual Headaches

Cinnamon is known to relieve menstrual cramps. Add the cinnamon to the hot tea for best results.

Mint or peppermint tea has been known to relieve cramps. Also, if you are on the go, buy some peppermints and suck on these throughout the day for menstrual relief. The sucking on the hard peppermint candy can also relief tension in your head due to menstrual headache.