Hydrating Foods to Try While You Are Pregnant

Drinking enough water while you are pregnant can be hard to do. Pregnant women need up to 12 glasses of water a day, and maybe even more if you are carrying multiples. I found that getting enough water was hard to do when I was carrying twins. But water is vital to supporting the health of both you and your baby, or babies, so you have to do what you can to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause fatigue, constipation preterm labor or even miscarriage.

If you are having a hard time staying hydrated, check out these foods that can help to replenish some of your fluids. Each one is very high in water content and they are full of other great benefits, too.


Drinking the coconut water and eating the juicy flesh of a green coconut can be a great way to nourish your body and increase your hydration. This wonder food is full of nutrition. The only tricky part is actually getting the coconut opened, but there are tutorials online to help you learn to do this easily.


Raw cucumbers are mostly water with some vitamins thrown in for fun. You can eat them on a salad, turn them into dainty sandwiches or munch on slices right off a plate.


Watermelon is also extremely high in water content. This juicy fruit is best eaten in the summer when locally grown varieties are abundant and in season, but it can often be found off season in supermarkets, too. Eat watermelon slices right from your refrigerator, or toss in a few other ingredients and make watermelon smoothies.

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Would you believe most lettuce is 90 percent water? That’s not as much as watermelon or cucumbers, but it’s a lot. Lettuce also provides fiber, which is vital for everyone but particularly important to pregnant women who are more prone to constipation. Be careful, though, which lettuce you pick. Romaine lettuce has about four times the fiber of iceberg lettuce and lots more nutrients.


Strawberries contain even more water than lettuce. They are rich in potassium and other nutrients and are a good source of fiber. Strawberries also contain folate, also known as folic acid, a vital nutrient essential to a baby’s growth. Try them on a salad with romaine lettuce.


Many fruits have high water contents, but I wanted to mention apples in particular because they are so readily available and tasty all year round. They are also very inexpensive compared to other fruits, like berries, which may be unaffordable to some shoppers in the off season.

Apples are also high in antioxidants and other nutrients and provide a great source of fiber. Make sure you eat the skins and not just the sweet, juicy meat of the apple for maximum benefit.

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