How to Write a Simple Basic Will

Drawing up a legal takes care of all financial obligations and is your voice after your death. A will protects assets and allows you to disown any specifically named friend, relative and even a child. A “basic will” is easy to write, does not necessarily require a lawyer and allows you to have control over your estate after your death by properly wording it before your death.

Things You Will Need

Thin tipped black ink Pen

Do-It-Yourself will forms

property title, deed or mortgage holder and lot number

Information about any minor children

Write a basic will Invalidating any Past Wills

Make sure that the first sentence mentions the fact that this will invalidates all other wills that might have been written prior to this one. This statement is extremely important as it makes this will your last legal voice above all others that might have been written previously. This makes this will to be the last written will -which then makes it legally valid.

Write a Simple Will Paying Debts & Taxes

State specifically, and in so many words, that all your debts and taxes must be paid by the executor that you select and mention by name when you draw up the will. The executor is the person named to carry out your wishes. State whether you want this executor to be paid by the estate for taking on this position, or will be doing it voluntarily of his own volition.

Write a Simple Will Stating Survivorship

Fill in the survivorship clause–if it is not already filled in on the legal form– that you have bought or downloaded from the Internet. Usually this states that there should be a 45-day waiting period (between you and another named person or persons) in case you both or all should die in an accident. This clause is extremely important because the person who is named as the survivor will have their will and it’s stipulations followed.

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Write a Simple Will Naming a Legal Guardian

Name a legal guardian if you have any minor children and mention them by name. The guardian should be the person that you trust to raise your children in case of your death. You should discuss this with the person you wish to name prior to your death. Guardianship is not necessary if there are no minor children.

Write a Simple Will to Disinherit

Disinherit a child or children, grandchildren, or any specific person that you want to leave out of your Will. Acknowledge their presence and their relationship to you by stating their name or names, and their relationships to you. This will acknowledge that they exist, and that you are deliberately and intentionally leaving them out of your will. This wording will legally allow you to do so.

Write a Simple Will and Have it Witnessed

Each state has a different amount of witnesses needed to make a will legal. Make sure that you find out how many witnesses are required to use a pen and sign a will in your state. Each witness should have their signature signed using a pen, witnessed by another witness and finally all should be witnessed by a Notary Public to make the will it legal. This is an extremely important part of the will, and if it is not signed correctly,using a black tip pen, the will can be contested. Once the will is signed and dated, there can be no further changes made.Use a black thin tip pen and Initial the lower corner of each page, and put it away in a safe place.

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Make copies and leave it in a few places in your house, so it can easily be found in case of your death. Inform your family that you have written a will.

Things to keep in mind

This information relates only to a simple will or very basic will. If you own a great deal of real estate, boats, collectibles of any type, expensive art pieces or have other financial matters that need to taken care of, it is advisable to have a lawyer draw up your last will and testament.

Buy fill-in-the-blank legal forms to create a standard will and testament. These can be bought online for a nominal fee, or bought in an Office Supply Store.

Make copies of the signed will and put the original in a safe-deposit box.
Alert others that you have a will and give your executor a copy and also a key to the safe-deposit box.

Add your executor’s name as part owner of the safe-deposit box
The will will be read after your death, so it is important that it include every financial matter of importance.
