How to Use Cloves for a Toothache

There are many possible causes of a toothache from an infection to teeth grinding. While it is important to see your dentist in cases of severe pain, or if you experience other symptoms such as a fever, you can use cloves for toothache pain in any case. Cloves are a great natural remedy for teeth and gum problems.

Cloves are easy to use, safe and effective. They have excellent antiseptic properties, killing any bacteria that my be present on the gums or around the teeth. This aromatic herb also acts as a mild anesthetic, gently numbing the pain of a toothache while simultaneously cleansing the mouth.

Clove Antimicrobial Mouth Rinse

One way to use cloves for a toothache is to make a homemade antimicrobial mouth rinse. Steep ten to twelve dried clove buds in about one-half cup of water for ten minutes, covered. Once the infusion reaches room temperature, swish around one mouthful vigorously. Do this for at least thirty seconds. Use the remainder of the clove mouth rinse for a second and third rinse. This will reduce pain, kill bacteria and leave the mouth feeling incredibly clean and refreshed. You can even use it as a daily mouth rinse instead of a commercial product.

Other great herbs for cleaning the mouth include sage and thyme. Sage will help if there is any swelling around the gums. Add one teaspoon of dried sage leaves to the clove infusion. Strain before rinsing. Thyme will not numb the pain of a toothache like clove will, but it will help to defend the mouth from an infection. Add one teaspoon of dried thyme to the infusion in cases of an infection.

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Clove Oil for Toothache Pain

Another way to use cloves to help relieve a toothache is to apply clove essential oil directly to the affected area. Use two or three drops of the oil. Apply with a cotton swab, gently dabbing the gum line around the tooth. This is a great method for fast, natural relief. For best results, use this antiseptic oil two or three times a day to keep pain at bay and to prevent a possible infection.

Try an antibacterial mouth rinse made from cloves or the essential oil to ease your toothache pain and to keep an affected tooth free from bacteria. Clove is not however a cure for tooth decay or damage to a tooth. Using this herb is ideal for mild toothache pain and for temporary relief and care until you can see your dentist. Don’t underestimate a severe toothache, even if you are using clove – see your dentist for serious dental issues.

Balch, Phyllis A. ” Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Fourth Edition (Penguin Books, 2006).
Hoffmann, David. “The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies.” (Element Books, 1996).