How to Take Care Your Child’s Ear Piercing

You are excited that your five-month-old baby is going to have his/her ears pierced for the first time. But at the same time you are anxious and scare. You do not know how your baby is going to react to the noise and the pain, when they are piercing their ears. Here are some tips that may help you with your baby first visit to get their ear pierce.

When is your baby first time to get their ear pierc, is very important to pick a place where is well known, and have a good reputation. Be sure to check their licenses and how long is the employee been piercing ears. Ask if they have any experiences with piercing small children age two months. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Remember this is your child and you need to be cautious. If you decide to have the two month old baby ear pierce, be sure they have their first vaccine shots. If they do not have them, wait unit they get them. Some places ask to see their shot records. So be prepared to show them the card. Do not get offended, is their job.

Before you go to the location where your child is going to get their ear piercing, be sure you are prepared. Be sure your baby is well rested and fed. Check or change their diaper before the ear piercing. If your child gets anxious be sure to know how to make them relax. Bring a toy or something to get entertain. Have some family member or yourself hold your child while performing the ear piercing. If baby cries during ear piercing, they might only do one piercing at a time. They might want you to come another day to complete the other one. Usually they will have the two employees performing the piercing for both ears. This would be the easiest and less crying for your child. If baby moves head a lot, they might ask you to come another day.

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When they are ready to pierce your baby ears, hold your baby tight by holding her head. Normally children cry during procedure. When the procedure is done be sure to take good care of it. Leave the piercing earrings for four to six weeks. Always wash hands before touching your child ears. Clean your child ear piercing twice daily. Soak both sides of the ear with ear care solution provided by the location. Twice daily turn earring completely around to prevent earring from sticking to ear. If you do not have the Ear care solution, you could use an alcohol that contains Isopropyl. When taking your child a bath, be sure to clean their ear piercing right away. Stuffed gets stuck in the ear piercing and may cause bacteria.