How to Stop Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem for men. Men that have this problem ejaculate in the first 2 minutes after the penetration or before his sex partner achieves orgasm.

Ejaculation is the release of sperm and seminal fluid from the reproductive organs and is associated with orgasm. Ejaculation is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system and by the spinal reflex S2-4 and occurs as a consequence of sexual stimulation.

Ejaculation has two stages, emission and ejaculation proper. In the emission stage muscles push the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. During this phase other fluids are added from the seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands to form semen. In the second stage the semen is expelled from the penis with rhythmic contractions.

A woman reaches orgasm in approximately 10 minutes, thus most men have to delay the ejaculation with different methods in order to satisfy their partner.

Although ejaculation is a reflex it isn’t the result of intercourse, ejaculation is triggered by the mind through your expectations and once the process has been started it can’t be stopped. Because ejaculation can’t be stopped you need to stop the mechanism that triggers it, this can be done through training.

Premature ejaculation is genetically transmitted, for thousands of years the human species was force to breed fast in harsh conditions in order to survive, because we have surpass those conditions the human behavior must change.

Furthermore during your life you have been conditioned to associated pleasure with ejaculation and in all that time new neural pathways have been formed that enforce premature ejaculation. In order to have sex for longer periods of time you need to erase those pathways and to create new ones.

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To stop premature ejaculation you have to learn three techniques, these techniques where created in Asia and are based on two different meditation, awareness meditation and Taoist Microcosmic Orbit.

Body Awareness

This is method is very easy to learn and to use but it has a drawback you have to use it during the whole intercourse. During the intercourse your mind is focused on the genitals and this speeds the ejaculatory process, to delay or even to stop the process you need to shift your attention from the genitals to the head and eyes in addition you have to ignore all the sensation you get from the penis.

You can use this technique in combination with the PC Contraction and Perineum Pressure to prolong the intercourse to several hours without ejaculating.


Is similar with the other method, during the intercourse your breathing accelerates so by shifting your attention from the genitals to your belly and by taking deep and long breaths you will stop the ejaculation. This technique is not very effective if you use it alone because the belly is close to the penis and this can distract your attention.

PC Contraction and Perineum Pressure

PC or pubococcygeus muscle forms the floor of the pelvic cavity that surrounds the penis, scrotum and anus. By contracting this muscle before the ejaculation takes place you can stop the ejaculation or you can cause retrograde ejaculation into the bladder.

You can exercises the pubococcygeus muscle by contracting it while urinating, because this muscle is used for stopping the urination and for propelling the semen. By exercising this muscle every day, you take control of the ejaculatory process. And by applying pressure on the perineum, the region between the anus and the scrotum you can increase the effectiveness of the PC contractions.

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For beginners this method can cause retrograde ejaculation, the semen flow is diverted into the bladder and leaves the body during urination. These methods are derived from the Taoist sexual practices, Mantak Chia is one of the first people that have written about the Taoist culture.


Other methods like squeezing the penis head, pulling the scrotum or coitus interruptus (withdrawal) don’t stop the ejaculation.

Remember these methods can’t be used as methods of contraception because you can’t always control yourself and when the penis is erect small amounts of semen and pre-ejaculate fluid is released.
