How to Start a Home Based Scrapbook Business

Do you love scrapbooking? You’ve probably thought about starting a home scrapbook business. If you love to find just the right colors, textures, papers and accessories to make wonderful memories last, and love to share your ideas with others, you can be successful with your own online scrapbook business.

With an online home based scrapbook business, you can sell a number of goods or services. For example, you can offer services, such as design advice, assistance with putting together scrapbooks, regular idea filled newsletters, sales alerts for great scrapbook supplies, and send this information out periodically to your subscribers. You can include tips and tricks, offer free how-to publications on scrapbooking, or critique and advice columns. You might consider a paid-membership site once you get a large number of visitors.

To sell scrapbook related products, you can find a distributor of supplies to sell to you wholesale, or even easier would be to open an affiliate account with a craft supplier. An affiliate account will allow you to sell scrapbook items provided by another merchant. For example, there are affiliate programs you can join for a number of craft stores carrying scrapbook supplies. A search for “craft affiliate programs” will bring up a number of merchants to work with. Using the available affiliate tools like banners and text links, you then list scrapbook products on your website or put links in your emails and newsletters. When one of your subscribers purchase from your links, you get a percentage of the sale from the merchant. You have no need to keep or pay for inventory, or open a retail storefront or even install a shopping cart onto your website – and your online customer base is global!

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Starting an affiliate site, or even a small website, can be done for very little money. Some affiliate programs allow you to join with just an email address, so you can market through email first. Become active in scrapbook forums and include a signature file in every email which has a link to your affiliate merchant. Once you see some significant response, think about starting a website.

You can build a complete website, selling your own “hard” goods direct, as you find wonderful products to offer to your site’s visitors. You will want to make sure you display good examples of your work on your website to illustrate your style and the products you are offering. If you choose, you can even place demonstration video, audio files such as interviews, or add discussion groups for your visitors to join in the fun and much more. If you build a detailed and content rich website, you’ll increase the number of customers you can reach and build a following of others who share your love of scrapbooking. If you’re creative and can demonstrate to others how to follow your instructions, there are limitless ideas for what you can offer your visitors.

There are many available tools to help you put your information, newsletter or website up in short order. Many web hosts offer web site building software either free or at low cost. There are free resources on the Web too. Some all inclusive sites give you tools to uild your website as well as market your site to bring the buyers to you.

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Bottom line: don’t let lack of technical know how stop you! Combining enthusiasm for your subject and sharing your passion with others can be a lucrative combination to help you make a home scrapbook business profitable and fun.
