How-to Spin Basics: Bike Set-Up

As a Spinning Instructor I know how important it is for participants to have the proper bike set-up for their individual needs. Spinner bikes are the most important tool in this highly unique and challenging class and they can adjust to any body type. It’s important for instructors to ask their students if they need help adjusting their bikes and they should always assist new students, not just for an optimum workout but for safety reasons.

The first adjustment is to the seat height. Have the student sit tall on the seat, back on the saddle, with their heel in the middle of the pedal. Watch their pedal stroke. They should be able to pedal with as little curve at the knee at the bottom of the stroke without locking out their knee. You can always try one setting higher or lower if you’re not sure. Make sure their hips aren’t rocking back and forth and they have a sure, steady pedal stroke.

Next adjust the fore and aft positioning. Have them lean forward and place their hands on the handlebars. Their neck, shoulders, arms, and hands should be relaxed and loose, not locked and tight. Have them pedal forward so that one knee is at a 45 degree angle. The front lower part of the kneecap should be directly over or just behind the center of the pedal. If the knee is over the center they should be moved back. Try and get it as close as possible but it’s better to be a little behind the center than over it, as this would place too much stress on the knees.

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The handlebar height should always be high for new students. They have to go through an adjustment period and strengthen their core. If an instructor doesn’t offer to help, which is not a good sign, then a student should ask them for assistance. Keeping the handlebar high is more comfortable and safe. It’s not a good idea for any students to go too low in handlebar height because it hampers moving up and down on the bike and is also not a preferred Spinning position. The bikes are not outdoor racing bikes and there is a specific training purpose behind every move, ride, and program. Instructors should show the students their “numbers” after they have positioned their bikes. The numbers are the holes showing after adjustment. Start with the handlebars at 5, and then tell them their seat numbers for height and back adjustment.

If the student is using the toe cages and straps make sure the ball of the foot is in the center of the pedal. It’s the best position for comfort and injury prevention. Make sure the straps are comfortably tight without being too restrictive. If using clipless pedals this is not an issue as these special shoes clip directly into the pedal.

Participants in Spinning classes should always have a workout towel and water. The towel is essential as the bike handles can get very slippery as these classes generally produce a lot of sweat. For the same reason hydrating often is essential. Forty ounces of water for forty ounces of riding is the general recommendation, but students should drink as much water throughout the day as possible.

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Sometimes bikes get loose during the class and need adjustment. Simply tighten the handlebar knob if it becomes loose. If the seat becomes loose or wobbly the student should sit down and slow the pedals with the brake by pressing down on the resistance knob. This is the button beneath the handlebars that controls the tension on the flywheel and it’s also a brake. After the wheels have slowed tighten up the knobs and then resume the workout. The flywheel is weighted and has a lot of momentum behind it so never remove feet from the pedals without braking first.

Although this may sound time-consuming a good instructor will take the time to make sure their students are correctly set-up on their bikes. If a participant has been taking the class for a while and is unsure that they are set-up correctly they should ask their instructor for help. Many Spin instructors arrive early to prepare for class and to be available for questions and to assist newcomers. Once they have set-up a bike a few times the process becomes streamlined and they become quite proficient. So try a Spinning class soon and find out why these classes are one of the most popular at all the gyms that offer them.
