How to Send Distance Reiki Healing

Sending Reiki to someone at a distance is not difficult. In fact, all you have to do is intend to send Reiki to the person, and it will be sent. You don’t need to know the person’s name, location, condition, or what they look like. These things can help you focus on the person, but they aren’t strictly necessary.

Whatever you do know about the person is enough. You may only know his or her screen name, approximate location, basic symptoms, or maybe less than that. In these cases, simply intend to send Reiki to “the person I read/heard/know about who ___.” Fill in the blank and activate Reiki. The treatment will definitely work, no matter how close or far away he or she is.

Here’s how to send distance Reiki healing.

1. Set your intention. Intention is the corner stone of Reiki. So before you send Reiki, whether in person or via distance, you need to intend to do so. This may seem obvious, but it’s especially important when doing distance treatments. This is because setting your intention will help you focus on the treatment and the recipient. To set your intention, simply relax and state something like, “I will now send distance Reiki healing.”

2. Use the distance symbol. If you’ve been attuned to Level II of Usui Reiki, activate the distance symbol by drawing or visualizing it. The distance symbol is just a key to focus on the treatment. Even Level I practitioners can send distance healing, but they skip the symbol and just use their intent to send Reiki.

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3. Designate the recipient. Think of the person you’re sending Reiki to. Again, whatever you know about them is enough. Reiki goes where it’s needed most, because it’s an “intelligent energy.”

4. Refusal optional. Intend that the recipient can either accept or refuse the treatment. You can’t force healing on anyone, but you can send Reiki to help them if they’ll accept it. You can intend that the Reiki will come back to you, go to the earth, or something else if it is refused.

5. Hand position. During a distance treatment, you may want to do the hand positions, either on yourself or on an object like a teddy bear, doll, or photo of the person being treated–if you have one. This is just to focus the treatment. Alternatively, you can simply hold your hands in front of you with the palms outward, so you can visualize the Reiki flowing through your palms to the recipient. Or you can keep your hands in your lap, etc. The hand position you choose should be comfortable for you. No specific position is required for a distance Reiki treatment.

6. Relax! Sending Reiki via distance does not require any effort on your part. Reiki flows, whether you feel it or not. So relax and enjoy sending the Reiki.

7. Grounding. When you feel the treatment is complete, or after you’ve covered all the hand positions, send Reiki with the intension that it ground the recipient. Then, mentally state that you’ve finished the treatment.

That’s all you need to do in order to send Reiki to someone who isn’t physically present. Distance treatments are as effective as in person treatments. However, they often take less time, so the practitioner and recipient can do other things as needed.