How to Save Money on Food

After viewing several news reports and reading articles about rising food costs the reality of paying a higher cost for food did not register until I went grocery shopping recently. I was shocked at the cost of basic items I’d grown accustomed to purchasing with little reservation including apples, oranges, bread, eggs and don’t get me started on the meat products. In today’s economy, learning how to save money on food is necessary survival skill

The Cost of Rising Food Prices

Prior to the great recession of 2008 and what is now deemed a slow recovery, I considered myself a pretty savvy grocery shopper. I’m single and I’d usually spend no more than $50 – $60 for two weeks of groceries. Today, my $50 – $60 budget is more like $80 – $100 just to purchase the same amount of food.

I remember reading articles about Chicago families spending anywhere from $600 – $1000 per month on groceries. I recall thinking, what on earth are they eating to spend so much money on food in one month?

However, times have changed. The price of food has crept up dramatically. I realize to feed a family of four or five, requires a lot more money in today’s market. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for low income families.

During the recession, I learned some valuable lessons about shopping for food including that are worth sharing.

1. Purchasing Meat on Sale

Grocery stores have sales on meat just like department stores have sales on clothing items. Find out when your local grocer schedules sales. Meat sales are called “managers specials or managers sale”. Prices are discounted and you can generally buy enough meat to stock up. I recommend freezing the meat you don’t plan to eat within the week.

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2. Stock up on Grains, Pasta and Beans

I love brown rice and would often buy two to three bags at a time. I’ve noticed the price of grains and beans has risen and now is good time to stock up.

3. Fruit and Vegetables

The price of fruits and vegetables has gone up significantly and for fruits such as apples, the price has doubled in some areas. The recent drought from the lack of rain over the summer did not help matters either. The good news is grocers generally put fruits and vegetables on sale. Determine when the sale cycle occurs at your local grocer.

4. Coupons

I’m learning that time spent clipping coupons is well worth the savings. Shows like Extreme Couponing are a great motivator especially when you have the opportunity to keep most of your money in your pocket. You can get coupons for just about anything, although finding coupons for fruits and vegetables is still quite difficult.

I also recommend writing the manufacturer of your favorite brands and requesting coupons. I actually wrote the manufactures of some of my favorite products because I was unable to find coupons for these items online. My letter simply stated how much I loved the products and how I’ve been purchasing the brands for several years. To show their appreciation, some of the manufactures mailed me while others emailed me coupons for their products. In any case, I learned it never hurts to ask for what you want.

What About You?

What tips are working for you when it comes to saving money on groceries?

See also  How to Buy Groceries on a Budget

How much should you spend on groceries,

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