How to Buy Groceries on a Budget

As an owner of a business that teaches people to find great deals, and adjust their grocery bill to fit their budget. I can give you some tips on saving money on groceries during these trying economic times. I have been an owner of a company called, “Freebie Coupon Corner” for the past 10 years which has helped several thousand people save money on their grocery bills. I have been named “Coupon Guru” and “Coupon Queen” by multiple newspapers, television stations, the Associated Press and the national radio programs, “Money Matters” and “Money Watch”. I have spent the past ten years of my life researching the ins and outs of coupon clipping and many other aspects of grocery savings. Due to this extensive research, I know tips that many others ignore. These basic initial tips will set you on track to saving money on groceries.

A sale at the grocery store is one way that savvy shoppers can save money on their grocery bill. Sales help the store bring in customers and make more money. Recently however, stores have used their sale fliers to promote everyday prices. It is apparent to me that many grocery shoppers don’t pay attention to the items regular price and will buy anything in the store flyer listed as a sale item. This is dishonest on the part of the store. However the fact the store can get away with this dishonest tactic indicates to me that many consumers aren’t checking prices on what they buy in the store. Super Saver Tip Number One: In order to find a sale, you have to know what the regular price is at the store.

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Coupons are useful for saving money. However, using coupons alone (without a sale) may not save you more than if you simply bought the store brand of the same item. Sometimes a coupon will offer 50 cents off when you buy two of the same item (read the fine print). This is only 25 cents off each item! In order to save effectively with coupons, it is best to purchase the Sunday paper and use the coupons the following week. The week after the coupons arrive in the paper, the grocery stores often run sales on those same items. Super Saver Tip Number Two: The Combination of the sale and the coupons is often what will save you the most money!

Bulk Items
Wholesale stores like Sam’s Club are worth the membership price. By buying items in bulk, you will greatly reduce your grocery bill. If you have a small family, shop with a friend and split the bill. Watch the wholesale stores as well. Most items will be a lower price per unit when purchased in bulk, however some items are the same or more than you would spend at Wal-Mart. Always do a price check to be sure. If you aren’t sure if you will save more money at a wholesale club, visit one and find out. Sam’s Club will let you browse their store as a non-member with their one day membership passes (usually found at the customer service desk). If you buy anything during the day, they will charge 10% more than if you had a membership pass. Super Saver Tip Number Three: Compare prices of everyday grocery store items you purchase with the wholesale price. Find out if the monthly savings justifies a Wholesale Club membership.

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These tips will help set you on track for saving a lot of money on your grocery budget this summer. If you want more information about saving money, mystery shopping or receiving free groceries, check out the links or read other articles I have written.