How to Raise or Lower the PH Level in Your Soil

If you want to be successful in gardening, then the soil needs the right pH level. The best pH level for most vegetable plants is between 6 or 7, but they do well in soil that is 4 to 7.

The number 7 is neutral. Numbers below the 7 pH reflects the acidity of the soil. Numbers above 7 reflects the alkalinity. The pH level is often determined by the area or climate you live in. A wet climate is usually more means more acidity in your soil.

Test the Soil

In order for plants to grow their best, the soil has to have a certain pH level. By having your soil tested, you will know what your soil lacks and the pH level so you can improve it for your plants.

Once you have your soil tested and find out the pH level, you may discover that it is too low or too high. There are natural ways to change the pH level by adding certain nutrients to the soil.

Add Compost

Most gardeners add well-rotted compost to their gardens. This impoves the soil and makes it rich in nutrients. Test your soil in the fall. Depending on the results, you can add lime, sulfur, or wood ash to the garden soil as needed. You don’t want to add too much of the lime, sulfur or wood ash because it can make your soil worse. Till or dig it in to the soil so it will have time to change the pH level. In the spring, test the soil again to see if the pH is right.

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Raising the pH

Raise the pH level by adding limestone, oyster shells, burnt lime, or hydrated lime. If your soil is light sand, amend it with limestone, using 3 pounds per square foot. Sandy loam soil needs 4.5 pounds per square foot. If the soil is loam, add 6.75 pounds per square foot. Silt or clay soil requires 8 pounds per square foot.

If you have a wood burning stove, you can add the wood ash to the soil. Don’t dump a lot, just scatter a little over the soil and work it in. Compost will also help raise the pH level.

Lowering the pH

Sometimes you need to lower the pH level. You can do this by adding sulfur. Light sandy soil needs 1/2 pound per square foot. Clay or silt soil should have 2 pounds per square foot. Other alternatives to lowering the pH are to add compost, or chicken manure.

pH Level for Vegetables

Certain vegetables require a higher pH level. Beets cabbage and muskmelon grow best in soil that is 6.0 to 8.0.

Peas, spinach, and summer squash need a pH level of 6.0 to 7.5.

Celery, lettuce, onions, radishes, and cauliflower are happy when the soil has a pH level of 6.0 to 6.75.