Body Acidity, Disease Prevention and More About Aspartame

How well do you know yourself? How well do you know the chemistry makeup of your body? There is something that you need to know and you need to work on. It’s the pH level of your body. The pH is a value, which is the potential of hydrogen. Hydrogen is an element, which is the lightest element of all the elements known to man. The value of pH is a range from 1-14, which measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. If a substance is 1 on the pH chart, it is as acidic as it can get. If it is 14, it is as alkaline as it can get. A pH of 7.0 is neutral and it is this level that our bodies were designed to function at.

To better understand the importance of this, let’s take a look at the temperature balancing acts that our bodies do and that of other animals. Our normal body temperature should be about 98.6 degrees. If our temperature drops, we could be in trouble or if it raises we could be in trouble. As little as a 5% change can send us on a one-way trip to never never land. Our pH levels can have some similar results but over a longer time period (unless we really pickle ourselves such as alcohol poisoning). We are going to look into acidity for our discussion.

When we think of acid, we think about the corrosion it causes when it comes in contact with another material. In a sense, that is what happens in our bodies when our pH level is too acidic. It doesn’t take much to throw off this delicate balance. There is a constant adjustment in the body’s pH level. This is natural as the body continues replacing cells and other functions. This is not the only way our body becomes more acidic. The food we eat, the environment we are in and the products that we touch every day will affect the pH levels of our body. A lot of the products that we clean with or use on our bodies are toxic to us. We even create an acidic pH level because of our day-to-day stresses. (If you look into employment histories of certain professions, you can see the results in regards to disease rates for these professions.)

We’ve just touched on it slightly just above but what are some of the problems associated with body acidity? The answer is diseases and poor health conditions. There is more and more evidence linking body acidity to various diseases. Certain degenerative diseases have been reported to be linked to acidic conditions. Persons that have suffered with cancer and ulcers and a variety of other diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis have been known to have acidic pH levels.

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The body will make attempts to correct the pH level just as it would make attempts to correct the body temperature level if it were off. If the body is too acidic, it will start depleting minerals from the body that would bring the body acidic level back to normal. If this continues, there will be other consequences and therefore, you will see diseases such as osteoporosis because of calcium depletion.

What can you do about it? You need to watch your intake of food that will cause acidity in your body. Refined sugars and refined carbohydrates will cause acidity. It’s not only food that we take in to watch for but also other environmental factors such as eliminating cleaning and personal care products that will ad toxic materials to our environment. It would be a good idea to analyze the affects of your occupation and your home environments to see if there are stressors that can be reduced or eliminated. How can you make the pressures of the job lessen or what do you need to address at home with a spouse to relieve tension at home? What can you do to get more rest or just general relaxation? There has been a study with plants where certain types of music were played in a cornfield and the plants grew at least 50% more.

Here is a site for your reference to better understand the affects of body acidity.
This site offers products and a lot of resources for various diseases and conditions. On this site, you will find a lot of information regarding suggestions for you to live within the boundaries of safety from creating body acidity. I’ve also heard it said that if you balance your pH level or your pH level is slightly alkaline, cancer can not exist in your body. Cancer, viruses and bacteria cannot exist in an alkaline environment.

We have talked a lot about the pH level of your body but we haven’t referenced finding that pH level. You can get a pH level kit from your local pharmacy for a relatively low price. It would be a good idea to do this before you do anything else. You would want to know what your current pH level is before you attempt to correct it. This would give you a base to work from and give you some idea if your pH level is even off at all.

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Here is another site for you to do some comparisons on the information and products. I’m not promoting any products for the purpose of this article but I do wish to provide you some resources.;=acidity%20body%20in&OVMTC;=standard
Beyond these websites that I am providing, I highly recommend checking into some Health Food Stores in your neighborhood.

One of the major problems that we are seeing now that is affecting our diets is a product called ASPARTAME. We are going to devote the rest of this article to Aspartame.

Aspartame is a sugar substitute product that was developed 30 years ago by the company GD Searle. It has a lot less calories than sugar and is used by millions of people every day. It was ok’d by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after being denied for many years.

The product did get approval and we will address that issue later. For now, we need to look into the concerns for aspartame. Some of the compounds in aspartame are basically wood alcohol. When aspartame exceeds temperatures of 86 degrees, this wood alcohol converts to formaldehyde then it becomes formic acid. Here are 2 issues to address immediately:

1.What is the temperature of the conversion of aspartame to formaldehyde? 86 degrees What is the natural temperature of the human body? 98.6 degree

2.Formic acid is a very deadly poison.
I knew someone that use to tell people how she killed rats when they would show up at her place of business. She said she would open up packages of Sweet and Low (an aspartame product) and pours the contents on the ground. When she would return, she would clean up the dead rats THAT DIED FROM THE SWEET AND LOW.

There are medical people that are addressing some of the aspartame problems and labeling them as Aspartame Disease. One of the diseases that have been diagnosed in error over the last several years is Multiple Sclerosis. A lot of patients that have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and found to be drinking several cans of Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi find relief from their symptoms when they stop drinking the soda. There are several diseases or illnesses that have been linked to the aspartame products. Here is a link from one of the websites I already gave you. This link is specifically for aspartame:
Some of the toxicity from the aspartame could be memory loss, blurred vision, migraine headaches and etc.

I will refer you to another site. This is a must read if you have any concerns about aspartame. The article on this website talks about some of the concerns about aspartame that are echoed throughout other websites. In this article, there is a mention about depleting serotonin and causing rage and violence. Several years ago when I was first hearing about the dangers of aspartame, I remember hearing a story that hit the news about an employee in a restaurant that had an affinity for Diet soft drinks. As the news reported it, the employee came to work and began shooting other employees. He died also as a result of the incident but what really caught my attention was the short incite that was mentioned to the aspartame problem. Here is that website:

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We now must address this issue from a political aspect. Aspartame was not approved for several years while G D Searle & Company (the company that produced it) tried to obtain FDA approval.

In 1977, G D Searle & Company was falling apart. The company had been turned down several times on their request for approval of their product aspartame from the FDA. During this year, Donald Rumsfeld joined G D Searle & Company as their CEO. In 1981, one day after the Presidential Inauguration for President Reagan, approval was once again requested for aspartame by G D Searle & Company. The links below will give you more information about how this approval was pushed through against the advice of some of the scientific community that had some serious concerns about aspartame causing brain tumors. The approval of aspartame was fought on political grounds instead of scientific grounds. Donald Rumsfeld made it clear that he intended to obtain the approval of aspartame by using his political clout for this cause. Here are 2 links for you to better understand the political side of the issue of the approval of aspartame.

Aspartame is one of the problems that face us on a daily basis when we are looking to prevent diseases. The body acidity as defined through the pH levels has a lot to do with the aspect of preventive actions for preventing or eliminating diseases. Aspartame is pinpointed in this article because of the recent findings from the medical community, the fact that medical concerns that were expressed were all but ignored and the contribution that aspartame provides to the body acidity equation.
