How to Properly Use a Baby Nasal Aspirator

A baby nasal aspirator can be the solution to your child’s sickness or discomfort. Many physicians encourage you to remove mucus from your baby’s nasal passages in order to keep infections from going to the ears and just to make your little one more comfortable. Often, babies have problems with congestion or blocked nasal passages, which are caused by inflamed blood vessels. You can eliminate the problem with baby nasal aspirators.

Before you write this off as a suggestion, allow me to inform you that baby nasal aspirators could save your baby’s life. A newborn can only breathe through his/her nose, so a blocked nose can be very serious. It can also interfere with breastfeeding and keep the child from drinking his/her fill. If it spreads, it can infect the sinuses, even in the ears.

Therefore, you should always have a good baby nasal aspirator on hand. There are generally three kinds- battery-powered, self-suctioning, and bulb syringe. Self-suctioning baby nasal aspirators are the most effective because of its consistency. They also collect the mucus so the parent, or whoever cleans the nose, is not exposed to the germs.

Although they’re not the best tools, hospitals will usually give you a bulb syringe baby nasal aspirator when they discharge you. Their biggest problem is their limited suction, which translates into more insertions and thus more irritation and hassle.

You would think a battery-powered baby nasal aspirator would be a strong device, but they actually aren’t much more satisfactory than bulb ones. The deepest mucus is the most important stuff to get out, and they just don’t pull that hard.

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With self-suctioning baby nasal aspirators, you have complete control over the strength of the suction. Your lungs do the work. However, many parents are hesitant to use self-suctioning baby nasal aspirators for a number of reasons.

Number one, they think they’ll catch the baby’s germs. However, a good self-suctioning baby nasal aspirator is designed specifically to prevent water and mucus from travelling to the operator, and it is only through these that you can catch an infection.

Some also think that self-suctioning baby nasal aspirators are a hazard to their child because they have such strong suction. Let me give you a simple analogy. The air pressure generated by sneezing can have a velocity of up 100 mph, while the suctioning device only has about 10 mph of pressure. The human body can withstand pressure. Don’t be afraid to use self-suctioning baby nasal aspirators for your child.

Keeping your baby healthy is a very tedious process. Don’t be overwhelmed or overlook important details. Some of the biggest problems can be prevented by simple health care procedures, such as using a baby nasal aspirator when your child has a cold.