How I Use Tea Tree Oil to Treat Acne

I didn’t have problems with acne in high school. My troubles started after I had kids. I’ve been told by many that hormones can cause your once clear skin to be full of ugly, embarrassing zits. I know, I’ve tried dozens of products to help get rid of the pimples. They didn’t work. I guess that’s not a surprise. Many teens and adults are in the same boat I was. People all over ask, what can I do to make my skin clear again?

I was looking for natural alternatives to treat acne and I discovered that tea tree oil helps to keep my acne under control.

I can’t guarantee my methods will work for you. I can only tell you what worked for me. No one is paying me their advertising dollars to give you this info. I do know that if you’ve already tried a bunch of different products, one more try isn’t going to hurt. If it works out for you, great! If it doesn’t, try something else.

If you’ve been reading any of my articles, you’ve probably figured out I’m a Tea Tree Oil nut. I use Tea Tree Oil for just about everything… And yes, I use Tea Tree Oil to treat my acne. I’ve been using it for about ten years. I receive compliments about my skin all the time. That makes me feel great! My skin isn’t always clear…I have rosacea, and constantly fight oily skin and blackheads. When those pesky zits pop up, I know how to get rid of them quickly.

I use a three step skin care process. I do these three steps morning and night without fail. If I skip a day, I’m plagued again. The important thing is consistency.

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Cleanser: You have to wash your face to get rid of the dirt and oil that builds up. I have used various Tea Tree Oil soaps through the years. In order for the soap to work for me, it must have Tea Tree Oil in it. Currently, I’m using Herbal Authority Tea Tree Oil Soap from Vitamin World. My son is using Herbal Authority Tea Tree Oil Skin Wash from Vitamin World. I also like Dr. Bonner’s Castile Soap with Tea Tree Oil. You can purchase Dr. Bonner’s from most health food stores. I wash my face in the morning and before bed at night.

Toner: Toner helps to tighten the pores and acts as an astringent. Most toners are alcohol based and can dry out the skin. I use Witch Hazel as my toner. It makes my skin feel great and it doesn’t burn or sting. It also helps me keep my oily skin under control. You can get Witch Hazel at the health food store. I personally buy mine at the dollar store. It has the same ingredients as the more expensive brands and it works.

Moisturizer: You may not think you need moisturizer if your skin is oily and full of acne. The reality is, you do. I’ve been using moisturizer since I was 18. I’m 38 and I have minimal signs of aging. I know people that are 10 years younger than me that look older than I do. I don’t look 20, but some think I look around 30 give or take a few years. I have found that a Retinol Cream works best for me. It’s not greasy, and it makes my skin feel soft and smooth. Vitamin World and GNC both have Retinol Cream.

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These products aren’t very expensive. The soap is about $7.00 for 3 bars, the Witch Hazel is about $1.50, and Retinol Cream is about $5.00 or $6.00.

There are a few other things I do to help keep my skin acne-free. If I have a break out, I dip a cotton swab in pure Tea Tree Oil and dab it directly on the pimple. You only want to use the pure oil on the pimple. Be careful not to get the pure oil on other parts of your face. You can also use pure oil for zits on other areas of your body. My skin usually clears up in a day or two if I do this.

I use a facial mask every week to help clean out my pores and pull out the impurities. I have used several different brands. I have used French Clay Masks and Grapeseed Masks. My husband was a sweetheart and he bought me a Dead Sea Mud Mask. This cost around $36.00, but I love it. You don’t have to buy an expensive mask to be good results. You can get masks for under $10.00. You only use it once a week so a jar lasts awhile.

It doesn’t cost a ton of money to have clear skin. I have found that natural alternatives to chemically based products seem to work better for me. It’s less expensive and better for your skin. If my methods work for one person that reads this article, I’ll be happy.