How to Prevent Racism in Your Child

In today’s world, racism has become a lightening rod for opportunistic people of every color. Racism is sometimes out in the open, and often disguised. Racism is always ignorant. Feeling superior or entitled based solely on color is a lack of education. Racism is said to be the one thing that can never be totally erased. Clearly for racism to be eradicated, it must start in the home with our children.

For racism to truly be erased we must educate our children in the home about our fellow man. So many high school students enter adulthood completely unequipped to cope with the trappings of racial relations. This is true of any race, and it is the root of racism in America. Either a child knows little of the history of other races, or they tend to know the worst. Not many children grow up with a knowledge of anything other than why their race is better or entitled.

To overcome this ignorance, we should take time with our young children to teach them about all races. We should not omit the crimes our own races have committed, nor should we only pay attention to the crimes of others. Every race has dark clouds and sunny skies in their history, and only by being truthful with our kids can they gain perspective and true compassion. This history lesson should be a priority in every home, and it should start at a very young age. Kids form ideals very early, and we cannot underestimate the social dangers of waiting.

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Social events that highlight a certain race is a wonderful opportunity to teach your children. For example, no child should be unaware of Martin Luther King, Jr and his contributions to the human race. His birthday is a celebration of all races, and his message knows no racial lines. This man’s birthday should be a real occasion in your home, and your child should know his importance in our history. There are many opportunities of this type to share with your children.

Do not shy away from the headlines of the day, or else you risk your child learning racial harmony from the news and television shows instead. Rest assured, they will learn bad lessons in this way. Take the time to talk about racially sensitive events, and explain why things are the way they are. Encourage your child to ask questions, and take the time to answer the questions with racial sensitivity. How can our children be racially sensitive if we blather racist remarks accidentally or otherwise? Be truthful when you answer, and when your own race was wrong, ask your child why we were wrong. Let them see the ignorance of past actions, and they will not forget it. Ask your child how those past racial mistakes might affect today.

Finally, you must be the example in your home. If you preach racial harmony, but do not welcome all races into all areas of your life, then you are empty in your teachings. Children see everything, and they want nothing more than to be like you. Open your heart and home to all races, and they will follow suit. If you claim as a white man to love all people regardless of color but you have never had a Mexican in your home, do you think your child sees this? Of course they do. If you claim as a black man to not be racist, but you never invite the white child down the street to spend the night with your child, what does your child see? These are questions that we cannot blow off any longer. We must begin to look in the mirror and see the reflection our children see.

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To a child’s brand new set of eyes, racism is confusing and upsetting. With no explanation, what does a new child in the world naturally do? They begin to draw a mental line of distrust inside, and shy away from those that are different. Our world cannot afford to let that happen anymore. It is what got us here in the first place.