How to Prevent Premature Gray Hair

Gray hair hits some earlier than others, and scientists have long wondered why. It’s true that graying hair is a natural part of the aging process, but some people gray much earlier than the expected 50. New discoveries have pinpointed some of the causes of gray hair and thus, brought about some advice to keep your hair its natural color for longer. While you may not avoid it all together, this new information can definitely help you gray hair off much farther into the future.

Natural Causes of Gray Hair
In most cases, advancing age leads to graying hair. In fact, around 50% of Caucasians find half or more of their hair has turned gray by the age of 50, according to Women Fitness’s article “Greying Hair.” This loss of hair color occurs because of a reduction in pigment, called melanin, which is produced in the hair bulb. Gray hair has some pigment, while white has none. Typically, the process is gradual, affecting different hairs in their own time.

While this is happening, hair follicles themselves produce fewer hair-repair enzymes, also resulting in a lower production of melanin. This process can occur faster or slower depending on many factors including genetics. For example, Caucasians gray earlier than others, such as Asians, according to MSNBC’s article “Going gray?”
Graying from this lessened melanin production is not preventable.

A Surprise Cause of Gray Hair
Researchers at the University of Bradford in the UK recently discovered a hidden chemical reaction that leads to premature gray hair: hydrogen peroxide. Produced naturally in the human body, the enzyme cataclase breaks this chemical apart into water and oxygen and processes it from the body. As we age, the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide slows and it builds up in the hair, leading to grayness. If interrupted and reversed, such premature graying can be prevented or delayed.

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Avoid Bleach to Prevent Early Graying
As mentioned before, hydrogen peroxide build up is responsible for some of the hair follicle breakdown and lost melanin. This chemical is often used in hair lightening products, bleaches, and other hair dyeing products. The more often you reach for such products, the higher the concentration of hydrogen peroxide built up in your hair follicles. For now, your body might be able to break down the chemical and protect your hair’s melanin, but not forever. Avoiding lightening products is the first step to preventing premature gray hair.

Instead of using chemicals to hide early gray hair, use natural applications of sage or tea, which work temporarily. Using a weekly hair mask of olive oil, avocado, or banana will help moisturize gray hairs so they work more easily into the rest of your hair.

What You Eat (or Don’t) Can Help
According to Women’s Fitness, an excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, and foods that are fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour, or acidic can reduce the moisture and nutrients contained in the hair follicles. Doing so can lead to premature graying, since it speeds up the breakdown producess and slows down melanin production.

On the other hand, including some basics into your daily diet will actually help your hair stay healthy and full of its own natural color. Turn to these foods to help delay early graying:
Foods rich in copper: crab, oysters, sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds.
– Iron and iodine from seafood, carrots, and bananas.
Foods rich in B vitamins: yeast, wheat germ, liver, and yogurt.

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The best way to prevent gray hair is to take good care of it. Use hair care products designed for your hair type, don’t overstress it during hot or cold weather, and make sure to follow the guidelines above. If you care for your hair, your hair follicles will work to produce pigment and stay moisturized as long as possible.


MSNBC. Going gray? Scientists uncover the root cause.
Women Fitness. Greying Hair.