How to Prevent and Cure a Sinus Infection

Sinus infections suck. There is simply no better way to say it. They are painful and uncomfortable. Sooner or later everyone has experienced a nasty sinus infection in their lives. Fortunately this article shall go over some of the great ways to avoid a cold turning into a sinus infection and how to cure a sinus infection if it does happen anyhow

What are sinus infections?

The sinuses are large sac-like structure within the human head. When this area gets inflamed it can cause a condition known as sinusitis. This inflammation causes pressure inside of the head which can lead directly to horrible headaches.


Prevention is always worth a pound of cure. This is very true with colds and sinus infections. Sinus infections are not always preceded by colds, but the mucus build up from having a cold certainly increases the chance of getting a serious sinus issues.

To prevent these sinus issues treat a cold right away. Take vitamins and supplements. Get proper rest and relaxation. Wash your hands before and after blowing your nose, and blow your gently blow your nose as often as possible. When you have a cold (and also if you are battling sinus infection issues) drink as many clear liquids as possible. Drink these clear liquids to the point where it seems like you are taking in almost too much water. Keeping yourself well hydrated significantly helps to keep the mucus as “thin” as possible and prevent the spread of excessive nasty germs.

Sinus Cure (by the pound)

Sometimes prevention simply isn’t enough. In the case of serious infection the only solution is to try some serious remedies for sinus infection.

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* Herbal Remedies: Ginger, peppermint, eucalyptus and licorice have all been shown to have some effect on preventing and even curing low grade sinus infections.

* Home Remedies: Steam, vitamins, heat packs and sinus irrigation have all been proven to have a decent effect on prevention and low grade infection cures. Steam and heat will widen the nasal passages and make it easier to breath and expel tainted mucus. Gentle irrigation with sterile salt water is another great way to clear out the sinuses and gain some ground on an infection.

* Homeopathic Remedies: There are homeopathic doctors that can give you medicines that will help to cure a sinus infection without having to resort to prescription medications. Over the Counter Medicines: Sometimes these natural methods are simply not enough to do the job. These prescribed or store bought antihistamines, nasal sprays and decongestants will open your nasal passages and increase the chance of avoiding a infection or clearing out an infection that is there.

* Doctor Prescribed Remedies: When you have a BAD sinus infection it almost requires a doctor visit to clear out the problem. The first thing the doctor may give is stronger brands of antihistamines, nasal sprays and decongestants. If the infection is bad enough, the doctor may even prescribe an antibiotic to battle the infection.

Regardless of which method you use to cure sinus infections, it is always best to deal with the issue as quickly and as early as possible to avoid letting the situation get out of control. Many of the early methods to remedy sinus issues help to prevent sinus infections as well cure them, so can be used as a prohibitive measure if there is even a possibility of getting a sinus condition.

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