How to Prevent a Skin Rash Beneath the Breasts

Larger breasted women sometimes experience a rash beneath the breasts, especially during the warm months of summer, but many don’t know how to prevent this problem and suffer with continual redness, burning, pain, and itching. This type of skin rash is not something commonly discussed, but for some women it’s an ongoing issue and a very irritating problem that requires care. Although a skin rash beneath the breasts is common and extremely aggravating, there are easy ways to prevent a rash beneath the breasts. Even if a skin rash has already developed beneath the breasts it can be cured quickly and easily with the following easy treatments and tips.

Precautionary Statement

A severe skin rash beneath the breasts or anywhere on the body should be treated by a medical professional. The following home treatments and methods to prevent a skin rash beneath the breasts are not meant to replace professional medical care. Use common sense, prevent the problem before it starts, and see a doctor if necessary.

Properly Fitting Bras

Improperly fitting bras can create irritation and a skin rash beneath the breasts, and for the price of a few new bras you can prevent this problem. Underwire bras are especially irritating if they don’t fit well. Unfortunately most women are wearing the wrong bra size, and it’s worth while to visit a lingerie shop or a specialty store for a proper fitting, no matter the size of your breasts.

The Importance of Washing Bras Often

Many women wear the same bra for days on end before tossing it into the wash. To prevent a skin rash beneath the breasts it’s important to wear a bra no more than twice before washing, especially during warmer months. Bacteria and fungus that naturally occur on the skin can cause a rash and quite possibly a serious skin infection when bras aren’t properly washed. Help prevent this problem by investing in a number of properly fitting bras so it isn’t necessary to wear the same ones for days before washing. Wash them in the hottest water recommended, and always dry the material completely before wearing.

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Drying After Showering and Bathing

To prevent a skin rash beneath the breasts, it’s also important to dry the skin thoroughly after showering and bathing. Wetness and a decrease in airflow is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus, but this problem is easy to prevent. Properly dry the skin beneath the breasts before applying one of the following inexpensive over-the-counter products.

The Benefits of Pure Lanolin

Pure lanolin is a fantastic product, and it’s good for more than the irritated, cracked nipples of breastfeeding mothers. Natural lanolin is also a good product to prevent a rash beneath the breasts. It keeps the skin healthy and dry with a waterproof barrier of protection.

Apply pure lanolin to a skin rash beneath the breasts after thoroughly washing and drying the skin. Pure lanolin is sticky and can cause slight yellow staining, but it provides fantastic relief. The itching and burning will stop almost immediately, and if the rash isn’t severe, you’ll notice an improvement in the condition of the skin within 24 hours.

You’ll find pure lanolin in the baby section of most discount stores or at your local pharmacy. It’s a little expensive, but it’s well worth the price because it works, and one tube will last a long time.

Foot Power for the Breasts?

If you don’t like the sticky feel of pure lanolin, give foot powder a try. Just because powder is labeled for use on the feet doesn’t mean it can’t be used elsewhere on the skin. Foot powder is also a great product to prevent and treat a rash beneath the breasts. This is because foot powder absorbs moisture and contains anti-fungal ingredients.

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Apply foot powder beneath the breasts after thoroughly washing and drying the skin, and apply it more than once per day if necessary. Along with the other tips and suggestions, the use of absorbent powder will help prevent and treat a minor rash beneath the breasts and keep your skin healthy and free from an irritating rash all year long.