How to Prepare Tomato Pasta Sauce

With the first crops of fresh tomatoes almost ready to blossom, this is the perfect time to gather your recipes to preserve that fresh summer taste. Growing up on a farm, we would gather produce every season way beyond what we could eat daily. Canning and freezing were the two ways we preserved our produce. Whether you have a garden of your own or find some great tomatoes at a farmer’s market, this will be some of the best tomato pasta sauce you have ever tasted.

Ingredients for Tomato Pasta Sauce

Fresh tomatoes (Roma’s are best for sauces)

One large pot of boiling water

One large bowl of ice water

One empty bowl (for trash)

Sharp paring knife

Slotted spoon

Olive oil





STEP 1: You will begin your pasta sauce by scoring the bottom of your tomatoes with a small “X” using the paring knife. After you have finished scoring all tomatoes, place them carefully into the boiling water one by one using the slotted spoon. Allow the tomatoes to boil for 3-4 minutes and remove them from the boiling water again using the slotted spoon. Place the tomatoes into the bowl of ice water. Repeat these steps until you have boiled all of the tomatoes.

You have now finished the hardest step in creating your tomato pasta sauce.

The second step no longer uses the boiling water so you can feel free to discard it.

STEP 2: Using the paring knife, you will now remove the skin from the tomatoes. Starting with the scored end of the tomato and peeling the skin toward the top is the easiest way. You will want to place the skins in your trash bowl to avoid peeling over the trashcan. Once you remove the skin from a tomato, place it back into the ice water and peel the next tomato. Continue to repeat this process until all of the tomatoes are peeled.

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You are now 2/3 of the way finished your tomato pasta sauce. Keep going. You will be happy you did.

Step 3 is the final step of preparing your tomato pasta sauce.

STEP 3: To begin your final step you must prepare your work area. Gather as many freezer bags as you think you will need (remember tomatoes cook down tremendously so be sure to place enough in each bag for one family meal). Be sure your olive oil, sugar, oregano, tomatoes, salt and pepper are close by. Remove one tomato from the ice water and cut in half. Squeeze some of the seeds from the tomato into your trash bowl. Next, place the tomato halves into the freezer bag and repeat until you have enough tomatoes for one pot of tomato pasta sauce. You will now add:

1 tsp sugar

2 T Oregano

1/8 c olive oil

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

Squeeze the air out of the freezer bag and seal. Write the name and date on the freezer bag. Your tomato pasta sauce will keep in the freezer for around three months.

*Preparation Tip*

When you are ready to prepare your tomato pasta sauce, simply remove the freezer bag from the freezer and run under warm water for a few seconds. The warm water will free the frozen tomato pasta sauce from the freezer bag. Now all you will have to do is place in a saucepan and cook for 30-35 minutes on medium-low heat until well combined. At this stage, you can feel free to add other fresh vegetables or meats.

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Fresh tomato pasta sauce is one of the true luxuries I have been able to experience for years. From my table to yours, enjoy!