How to Plan a Youth Group Movie Night

If you’re looking for an inexpensive and fun activity that your youth group students will love, a youth group movie night is the perfect choice! Here are quick and easy tips that will help you plan a fun and successful youth group movie night. Now pass the popcorn please!

How to Plan a Youth Group Movie Night Tip #1

Pick the perfect date

Take a quick survey among your students and find out what day will work best for your youth group movie night. If it’s during the school year, then Friday or Saturday nights will always work best. However if you’re planning your youth group movie night during the summer, you’ll have more flexibility.

How to Plan a Youth Group Movie Night Tip #2

Location, location, location

Pick a location that has a TV, DVD player and plenty of comfortable seating to host your youth group movie night. If your church isn’t available, then consider hosting it at your place or at the home of one of the other youth group students. Just remember to check with the parents before inviting the whole group over.

How to Plan a Youth Group Movie Night Tip #3

Pick an appropriate movie

You don’t have to show the Jesus film at your youth group movie night just because it’s a church activity. These days there are a variety of Christian movies that will please both your youth group students and the church leaders and parents. One of my personal favorites, Facing the Giants, has a powerful Christian message and is highly entertaining. If your youth group has already seen that movie, go online to find other recommendations. You could even screen one of your favorite Disney films or a movie like Lord of the Rings that has a strong spiritual message.

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How to Plan a Youth Group Movie Night Tip #4

Have enough food to feed an army

Teenagers will always get hungry while watching a movie, so have a plan for how you’re going to feed a group of hungry kids. Keep it simple by asking all your students to bring a couple dollars to chip in for some pizzas. Throw in a few bags of chips and sodas and you’ll be the hit of the party.

How to Plan a Youth Group Movie Night Tip #5

Don’t forget the chaperones

Even if you’re hosting a relatively small group of students, you’ll want to make sure you have reinforcements there to back you up. Ask interested parents of youth group students or members from your church leadership team if they’d be willing to volunteer to help chaperone the event. You’ll need more chaperones/volunteers if you’re planning on having a large group over, so be sure to plan accordingly.

How to Plan a Youth Group Movie Night Tip #6

Have fun!

Although hosting a youth group movie night can be a relatively easy activity to put together, don’t get so caught up in making sure that everything goes according to plan. Your kids might not end up watching much of the movie, but remember that the most important thing is that they build relationships with each other and with you. As long as everyone is having a good and safe time, you can rest assured that you’ve done your job.
