DIY TV Show Party Games

TV Show Character Impressions
Have guest compete against each other to win “best performance” prizes related to selected TV show characters. Designate one guest to judge all performances for this TV show party game. You can either have guests choose the characters or scenes they want to recreate or assign them to game participants. There are numerous ways to modify this game for efficiency and guest participation. Two alternative methods is choosing specific episodes and instructing all guests to perform character impressions of the same TV show character.

Name that Season TV Game
Did David McNorris try to stop an execution in season one or season two on Boomtown? This is the type of storyline fact that can be compiled for one or more programs to play TV Show Party Games with guests. Select a TV show that is related to the theme of your party. Study the majority of seasons for this particular show, noting facts that will become clues for a game. Pick out a few subtle facts in addition to obvious or memorable scenes for all seasons collected for the TV show. Using a point scale, rate guests on their ability to name the correct season where a particular storyline or scene took place. Play five second clips from the show if you have it on DVD.

Identify the Suspect
Events with Law & Order, Criminal Minds, or CSI Party themes have opportunities where players can identify suspects from a TV show. Watch or research previously aired television episodes, making notes about crimes. The notes can include the type of crime, evidence and other aspects of an episode that stands out. Write down a list of all possible suspects questioned in each episode. There are two ways to play this game depending on your preferences.

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Divide the guests into two or more groups to play an “identify the suspect” TV Show Party Game. Call out clues to an episode of selected TV shows that match your theme and research. Guests have to guess who the correct suspect that actually committed a crime in these episodes. Present 10 episodes to all groups of guests, using a timer for answers. The group who has the most correct answers wins this TV party game.

Instruct each group to write one answer down for each episode. This helps to ensure fair play throughout your TV show party games. It prevents groups from yelling out answers or clues that can help competing guests. The second play option is to type your episodes in a list of multiple choice questions. List all suspects from the episode and add some fake suspects if necessary.

Number these answer sets using the A, B, C format. Change the position of each correct answer on the suspect identity TV party game sheets. If the correct answer is “B” for the first episode, do not place the correct answer in this choice for the next episode. Switch these multiple choice question answers up to make this activity challenging for guests. The TV game participant with the most correct answers wins.