How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account

There are exactly two ways that a facebook account holder can use to permanently delete their facebook account forever: once deleted it can’t be gotten back. So if you are not entirely sure about deleting your facebook account then disabling it is the option for you right now and that can be done by going to your account settings and clicking security and then clicking deactivate your account . But if you are 100% sure that you want to delete your facebook account for good then keep reading because I’m going to tell you how. Before we begin, I’m going to request that you download and save any photos or information that you don’t want to lose once your facebook account it deleted. Now we can begin.

The first way is to delete your account through the account deletion page. When you first go to that page, you will be prompted to log in if you haven’t logged in already, then you will see a little box with the header “Delete My Account” that will remind you that once you delete your account anything you posted on that account can’t be recovered by you. If you are 100% sure you want to delete it then you can go ahead and click ‘Delete My Account” and a smaller pop up page, with the header “Permanently Delete Account,” that will prompt you to reenter your password and a CAPTCHA that tells facebook that you are the one requesting for your account to be deleted and not some bot or hacker. Once you have done that another small popup page, with the same heading as the other, will popup explaining that your account has been deactivated for 14 days and then deleted on that 14th day if you haven’t logged in before then and canceled that deletion. An email reminder will also be sent to your email, on the day you requested the deletion, telling you about the deletion and the date set for your account to be permanently deleted. The email will also include a link if you didn’t make the deletion request that will reactivate your account.

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The second way to delete your account is by emailing Facebook directly. Contact facebook at [email protected] and request that they delete your account permanently. If you don’t hear back from facebook in a week confirming that your account has been deleted then email them again at the same email, [email protected], but also CC [email protected] and [email protected].

You may need to avoid logging into your account for 14 days and also any site you have connected with your facebook like Yahoo Mail. Once you get an email telling you that your account has been deleted then attempt to log into your account. If you can’t and you don’t get an email telling you how to deactivate your account then your account was successfully deleted.

Remember, facebook may retain information from your account in their databases even those posts you deleted before you deleted your account is still accessible by facebook. Although they can’t disclose any of that to the general public without violating your privacy laws, they can grant the law enforcement access to all of it. All this is mainly because of pedophiles who began using the internet as their hunting grounds.
