Reasons to Deactivate Facebook: Why People Get Off Facebook

Did a Facebook friend of yours recently disappear? Are you wondering why someone would deactivate his/her Facebook account? Just needing a reason to deactivate your Facebook account? Here are five reasons why someone might close his/her Facebook account,

They’re job hunting.

Some people might temporarily deactivate their Facebook accounts while searching for a job. They do not want potential employers to see their profile, and judge them by how their profile looks or their Facebook photos. They don’t want a possible future boss to think negatively because of a Facebook status update they’ve posted, the friends they have, etc.

It is very unlikely that other people can see your account if you have your privacy settings in place. However, there is some debate that people can see your account, even if you have the settings marked. It is better to be safe than sorry. Even if you deactivate it, you can reactivate it after you find a job.

They’re struggling with infertility.

Let’s face it – Facebook is a place to brag about your kids, family and pregnancies. For a woman who’s facing the roller coaster of infertility, Facebook might add no value to her life. It can be very painful to hear about pregnancy announcements, see photos of other people’s kids, hear “mom talk” and more.

If you spend time on any infertility forum for women, you’re bound to hear this discussed. Facebook is not a very encouraging place for someone who is longing to have a child. Some women will choose to hide the friends who discuss their kids frequently, others will de-friend them, and some will deactivate their accounts altogether.

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They are in a situation where they are concerned for safety.

Someone might deactivate their Facebook account if they have been in a domestic violence situation. For example, if someone left her boyfriend due to abuse, she might have to deactivate her Facebook account to prevent him from finding out where she is. This is not a very common reason to get off of Facebook, but it is a valid one.

They’ve been the victim of cyber-bullying.

Cyber bullying is never okay. Cyber-bullying can be devastating, cruel and painful. Some victims may choose to deactivate their accounts, perhaps temporarily, to avoid direct cyber-bullying. Unfortunately this cannot end cyber bullying by proxy. For more information on cyber-bullying, please visit this website here.

It wastes too much time.

Facebook is definitely time consuming. One way to stop wasting so much time on Facebook is to simply get off of it completely. Perhaps they are trying to set priorities in their life. Maybe they have found it to be so addictive it has preventing them from succeeding in other areas of their life.

They’re going through a divorce, or other personal problems.

Someone who is experiencing a divorce might not want to read the status updates of people that say “date night tonight!”, or “my husband is the best”, or “look at the new house we’re building”. They just might not want to be in the world of Facebook, and would prefer to do without it all together.

Their parents made them.

Obviously, this one applies to individuals younger than 18. Some parents might have made them deactivate their accounts because of various reasons.

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There are many advantages of using social networking sites such as Facebook. However there many drawbacks as well. Choosing to leave Facebook is a personal decision. Remember, if you deactivate your Facebook account, you might be able to reactivate it later if you wish. Best Wishes!
