How to Pack a Bug Out Bag

What is a bug out bag?

With the survivalist subculture becoming increasingly popular, more and more people are doing what it takes to become prepared. A “bug out bag” is one of the tools most preppers find absolutely necessary. It is a kit, usually a backpack, full of all the tools needed to survive a 72 hour journey to your next destination. It’s important to remember that your area’s climate, your family’s particular needs, and multiple other factors do come into play when packing one. This is just a list for the most basic of bug out bags.


The general rule of thumb for the minimum water requirement per person is 1 liter per day. With that in mind, your 72 hour bug out bag should have no less than 3 liters of water. This can be packed in basic water bottles or canteens. It’s also smart to include a water purification system of some sort so that in the case you run out, you can find other sources. Water purification tablets are popular among preppers because they are cheap and convenient.


When packing food, keep in mind that this is only what you need for 3 days. You don’t need to go crazy and plan 5 course meals complete with fine china. MREs and protein bars will do just fine. If you’re the kind of person that loves to nibble, throw in some jerky and trail mix. Just be sure that you have a ready food supply in the location you’re bugging out to.


Remember that in these 72 hours, you will need to sleep. You also won’t be able to control the weather, so plan accordingly. A lot of preppers opt for an easy to assemble tent, but if you want to be more frugal, less weighed down, or just feel like Bear Grylls, you can also use a tarp. Either way, make sure to pack a bedroll or sleeping bag. This is essential, especially in the colder seasons.

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The truth of the matter is, that in a survival situation it will be up to you to protect yourself and your family. The weapons you choose are all about preference, but keep in mind what you might need them for. If traveling through the woods, animal encounters are likely. If you live in a more urban setting, your number one threat will be other people. Some simple weapons that cover almost everything are a handgun and large knife, such as a KA-BAR.

Other Supplies

This covers everything else you and your family might need and can vary from person to person. Again, take time to think of what you could need in any survival situation. Here is a list of some popular items you really should have:

  • First Aid Kit (it’s best to pack your own because a lot of store bought ones just won’t cut it)
  • Matches, Lighters
  • Rain Gear
  • Flashlights and Batteries
  • Cooking Gear, something to boil water in
  • Multi-Use Survival Tool or Knife (this will be your best friend, I promise)

Again, this is just a very basic bug out bag. Feel free to add whatever you think you’ll need and…Good Luck Prepping!