How to Mix and Match Campbell’s Soups

There are so many varieties of Campbell’s soups that it would probably take some deep thinking to remember all their titles. While some Campbell’s soups might be popular in one section of the country, they may never see the shelf in another part. Wake up the taste buds by mixing soups and creating your very own special Campbell’s soup that never hits the grocery stores and makes those who eat it wonder where they can buy it.

Find The Largest Variety of Campbell’s Soups

Check the shelves of your favorite supermarket or food store. Some of the larger stores usually carry a different variety of soups then the smaller stores. When you are visiting out of town or in another state, check the food stores there for Campbell’s soups. Many times Campbell’s markets under a different name in other states so you might want to ask the manager to tell you which soups are Campbell’s. Smaller food markets sell only the most popular of the soups as they lack the shelf space to hold them all. The largest of the Supermarkets’ have a much more complete variety of soups and would work better when you are looking for a combination of soups to mix and match.

Buy the Campbell’s Soups

Purchase the Campbell’s soups that your family enjoys the most. Buy one can of each soup to start with. Remember that you are going to find just the correct soup that will match flavor wise with another soup. By mixing the soups you can create a different tasting soup just by mixing and matching the cans.

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Mix & Match Campbell’s Soups

Use one of the basic types of Campbell’s soups- like Pea Soup, Tomato Soup, Celery Soupor those that are similar in texture. Add one of the vegetable type soups to any of the basics, plus only 1 3/4 cans of water to make a delicious Pea Vegetable Soup. You can even add to those a third soup of your choice, to create a completely different taste.

Change Taste of Recipes Mixing Campbell’s Soups

There are many recipes that require the addition of Campbell’ s soup either in cooking or baking. By mixing and matching the soups it will give the same old meal a completely different taste and look. When using soups for cooking, it is not necessary or advised to add water. Just open a can of your choice of Campbell’s soup for use with a chicken meal, add your usual ingredients, cover and cook or bake as before.
