Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese and Potato Soup: Review

I love soup and I like trying new flavors, brands and varieties of soup. When I spotted Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup on the shelf, at my local grocery store, I realized that I had never tried this particular flavor of Campbell’s Chunky Soup before. I decided to purchase this item and try it. Here is my opinion of this product.

Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup has a statement on the front of the can that says that it is soup that eats like a meal. Well, I wanted to see if that was true. I bought a can of soup, it weighed one pound and a little over two ounces, for around two dollars. The cost was fair, not a bargain, to me, by any means. Still, it was a name brand soup, so I was very hopeful that this product would please me. I like the foods in this soup, cheese, broccoli, chicken and potato, they are all favorites of mine.

Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup is easy to prepare and I decided to cook mine in the microwave, though it can be prepared on the stove, also. It only took a few minutes to heat and stir. The smell of this soup was standard, nothing special. When I tried this soup, I was a bit disappointed. The broccoli was present more in flavor than in the bowl. I could taste it but, not see much of it. The chicken and potatoes were there and were very chunky. The cheese was not very present, at least, not in taste and I would have liked more cheese flavor. I found that Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup tasted a bit bland and dull. In my opinion, this soup could have been and should have been much more flavorful.

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Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup did not eat like a meal, in my opinion, and I needed more than just this soup to make a meal, that is for certain. This soup reminded me of eating a jazzed up version of a cream of broccoli soup.

I rate Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup three stars out of a five stars rating. I think that more should have been added to this soup. Though the chicken and potatoes were very plentiful, they did not fill me up. I think that if this product had more cheese and broccoli added to it, it would have been much more heartier. That would have helped the taste, also.

Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup has two hundred calories in one serving, with one hundred of those calories being from fat. This soup has eleven grams of total fat, four grams of saturated fat and zero grams of trans fat. Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup has fifteen mgs of cholesterol, nine hundred and ten mgs of sodium, fourteen grams of total carbs, one gram of dietary fiber and seven grams of protein. Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup provided ten percent vitamin A and two percent calcium per serving.

In my opinion, this soup should have been much more hearty and filling. It certainly did not serve as a meal. In my opinion, this soup is average in taste, affordability and heartiness. Campbell’s is the National NFL soup and chili sponsor and I hope that the players will eat more than this soup before heading out to play ball. On a good note, Campbell’s is a sponsor of a program called labels for education, where schools can save Campbell’s labels to earn points for school items. That is great! Campbell’s has many products that I enjoy and this is not one that I will be buying again, unfortunately. That is my opinion of Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Broccoli Cheese And Potato Soup.

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