Top 10 Wedding Photography Blogs

In the past few months I have nurtured my love of photography with a healthy dose of blog browsing. I am hoping that by submersing myself in the most beautiful wedding photography on the internet, I might learn a thing or two and develop it into my own sense of style and business one day. I actually will be listing more than 10 blogs on here, but 10 is a nice, round number that people appreciate more than 12 (which is the number that I actually have bookmarked to visit on a daily basis and will be sharing with you here).

The blogs that I have chosen are mostly shot in a photojournalistic style which is my favorite style of wedding photography. The photographers update pretty regularly which I love because I always have new photos to look at. A pretty big chunk of photographers in this group are from the same area and are good friends from what I can tell. I find it inspiring that even though they are “competitors” they are also friends and all very gifted artists. Hopefully photographers and future brides alike will find these blogs useful. Enjoy!

First off we have [b] or Becker of Orange County, California. When I first got into wedding photography, I would see people mentioning [b] everywhere and I had no idea what they were talking about. After finding his blog, I finally understood what all of the fuss was about. Not only does Becker have some amazing photography and a good sense of humor, he is also nice enough to share a plethora of tips for current and aspiring photographers with his [b] School. So really he is running two blogs and running a photography business. I find him truly inspiring. He shares tons of tips that I have never heard from other photographers before. Check him out for yourself here:

Mark Brooke Photographers is made up of Candice and Mark who are located in Orange County, California also. What I love about them is that their blog just screams that they are interesting and fun people. They have a beautiful, unique style of photography and even a little video on the header of their blog to explain it to you. They’re an adorable couple with a really fresh outlook. Another thing that I love is that they offer flip books of weddings which is about the coolest, most innovative idea for wedding photography that I have heard of. Check out their blog here:

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Julie Roberts of East Tennessee is next up on my list. One of my favorite things about Julie is how positive and helpful that she is. I saw her photography and instantly fell in love. Since then I send her messages when I have questions about what gear I should buy and to ask her for advice and she always helps me out. Her photographs are full of life and I always can see the true personality of her model showing through. Check out her blog here:

Root Photography is run by Nathan and Jensey in Orlando, Florida. Their photography is beautiful whether it is for weddings or sorority sisters. One of my favorite things about this blog is they share photos of things that are near and dear to them (such as their adorable dog Huckleberry) and do not always focus on business. Another thing that I like is post processing they frequently use to make their photos look vintage… Beautiful! Check out their blog here:

Next up is the beautiful Jessica Claire who is also located in Orange County, California. Jessica is one of the first photographers to combine her website and blog into one great “blog-site”. Her photography is absolutely stunning and creative. Through her site I found a set of Photoshop actions that I use on a regular basis (more about these actions when I cover the next blog) and constant inspiration for innovative photography. Check out her blog here:

Chenin Boutwell aka Boutwell Studio is another one of those lovely folks who are located in Orange County, California. The actual template of her blog is adorable and reminds me of a patchwork quilt. Her photography is beautiful and creative using sunspots, reflections, and shadows to create artistic images. Not only is her photography stunning, she and her husband also created some of the most amazing Photoshop actions EVER known as “Totally Rad Actions”. I use these actions on almost every photograph that I edit in Photoshop CS3. If you go to the Totally Rad Actions site, you can download a free sample of these actions under the “Download a Sample” tab. Check out Chenin here: and check out Totally Rad Actions here:

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Next up is Ben Chrisman from San Francisco, California. He is one of the most famous wedding photographers in the world right now. His photos look more along the lines of art than what normal photographers could offer. I feel like he is the kind of photographer who would give you your photo proofs and you would not believe that they were your personal photographs of your wedding. To see Ben’s work please go here:

Jose Villa is from Southern California. I love how he turns the ordinary into the extraordinary with such ease. I have never seen anyone use a clothesline in wedding photos, nor could I imagine that it would even look that great, but when he did, it looked AMAZING. I love that he posts photos that he has taken with Holga cameras on his blog because I am intrigued by creative photography of that nature. Another thing that I love about Jose is how he pairs up photos in his diptychs on his blog… The combinations are always unique and beautiful. Check out Jose Villa here:

Perez Photography is a husband and wife duo out of Dallas, Texas. Their photography is always interesting and usually is full of vibrant colors. A highlight of their blog is the collage they make out of photos of the details from weddings. Another thing that I have noticed is that they seem to post more photos of the actual ceremony than other blogs that I watch. Check out the Perez Photography blog here:

Ohana Photography is based out of San Diego, California. Their blog really shows a lot about their family and their lives in addition to their photography. Ohana Photography does a lot of amazing Trash the Dress sessions including some beautiful photos taken at the Salton Sea. Their colors are vivid and a lot of the photos look like they came straight from the glossy pages of your favorite magazine. Check out Ohana Photography here:

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Furious Photographers are also from Orange County, California. Not only is their photography beautiful, but one of their photographers, Doug, has been extremely helpful and patient with me with all of my amateur questions and agreed to allow me to use one of his photos in this piece. A lot of their photography looks more like fashion photography than what one might expect from wedding photographers. Check out their blog here:

Jasmine Star is based out of Orange County, California. The detail photographs that this lovely lady posts are stunning, and I mean absolutely to die for (don’t worry, her other photos are just as good). She shares all of her life on her blog and from what I have seen I am in awe of her and her work. Her style is impeccable and I find her work very inspiring. Check out Jasmine * here:

Okay, I know there are a lot of photographers on this list who are from California, but I am not going to leave out an amazing photographer just because they live in the same area as a lot of other great photographers! These are artists whose work I follow on a really regular basis and are listed here in no particular order. I draw inspiration from their work and hope to one day follow in their footsteps. Hopefully you have found a new favorite photographer or two from this list or possibly a photographer for your own wedding!
