How to Make Money Online Without Spending a Dime

Despite what people may think, it is entirely possible to make money online without paying any fees. The key is to follow people who are already successful at doing this. Don’t be afraid to ask them to show you proof. Due to the increasing number of scams out there, I would suggest you also check all companies out with the BBB. If nothing comes up, that is a good thing. It means no one has reported the company for fraudulent behavior.

I have been successfully making money online for the past year after learning what didn’t work for six years prior to that. Here is how I do it, and how you can do it too:

First, write articles for Associated Content. Some of you may already be doing that, but for those of you who aren’t you should really consider starting. Everyone has hobbies, things they are good at, or advice they can give on solving any kind of problem. Take some time to think about what you know and start writing about it. Submitting your articles to Associated Content is easy. If you want to make the most money submit your articles for payment, exclusive. Once your articles have been published, make sure you tell your family and friends to check it out. The more traffic you get to your articles the higher your clout index will go and the higher the offers for your articles will be.

Second, join LoyaltePays and sign up to read ads. This program is great because you join for free and start earning right away. You get paid a few cents to view each ad and if you choose to complete an incentive bonus, you can earn anywhere between .25-$20.00. This is easy to do and most incentive bonuses are free to do as well. This site is far greater than any get paid to read site I have ever seen. You don’t have to clear your cookies and most of the incentive bonuses only require a simple e-mail submit. Plus the earning potential is so much higher. My favorite way to earn is by referring others. You get paid $1.00 per referral and it is easy to get sign ups because the program is free. You also earn from a percent of your referrals ad’s and incentive bonuses. This adds up quick. In one months time I earned $350.00.

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Third, get paid to ask and answer questions with Mylot. This program earns me an extra $35-$45 per month. This may not sound like much, but Mylot has contributed greatly in helping me earn money elsewhere. Let me explain. I find questions from people who are looking to make money online. Then I answer them by telling the asker about my other programs. So I earn money on Mylot for answering a question and I earn money when people read my answer and sign up for my other programs. I also get paid to ask questions on Mylot, which I do to get some ideas on articles I can write for Associated Content. So it pays to use Mylot on more then one level.

Fourth, get paid to refer people to Club Mom. Club Mom pays $1.00 for the first 50 referrals and $2.00 after that. Club Mom is free to join and was founded by several celebrities so it is easy to find people who are interested in signing up. Just sign up to become an affiliate and place a banner on your blog or website. That is it. Now advertise your blog or website like you usually do. Minimum payout is $25.00 and it is not hard to reach.

Finally, to make money online you will want to refer people to your programs. You can do that by signing up for groups and sending out a message, put your referral link in your signature file when posting to forums, sending out bulk e-mails, or using traffic exchanges.
