How to Make a Water Balloon Pinata

Before you know it summer will be here, and along with that comes lots of parties and get togethers. Of course there are those who just want to have some good old fashioned fun with the kids when the weather is warm enough. Well if you want to get creative this year why not try making a water balloon pinata. Not only is it fun to make, but if you make more than one you can really add some extra fun to any summer day. Below is a step by step guide to makeing your pinata.

Materials needed

First you will need to get the essentials which include: a bag of small water balloons, a bag of medium to large water balloons, roll of string (similar to the kinds used with kites), a bucket (or a storage container if you plan on making more than one of these), and of course water.

Filling the balloons

Ok, now comes the fun part of putting your water balloon pinata together. Start by adding a small amount of water to the bottom of the bucket or bin you will be using to store the balloons. You just need enough water to cover the bottom. This keeps the balloons from breaking. Next you will need to fill up all of your balloons with water. Most bags of water balloons comes with a little nozzle inside which can easily be attached to the end of a garden hose for easy filling. If your bag of water balloons did not come with the nozzle, you can easily place the end of the ballooon over the nozzle and then gently turn on the water. It may take a little longer if you don’t have the right nozzle attachment, but you can still get it all filled. As you finish filing and tying each balloon place them in the bucket or bin you have.

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Putting it together

Once all of the balloons have been properly filled and tied you are ready to move on to the step of tying the balloons together. You can tie the balloons together in a variety of ways. For example you can take the string and tie about five of the balloons together. Simply tie the string around the ends of the balloons. It works best if you start with one balloon secure the string to the end of it, than using the same piece of string, loop around and tie the next balloon. Continue with this pattern until the five balloons are tied togehter. When you are done you will have a simple small sized water balloon pinata. You can also make a really large one or switch between large and small balloons. If you are going to have a lot of kids everyone is going to want a turn to get wet, so usually, making a bunch of small ones, is the most fun. Really use any pattern that you want for your pinata. Just make sure the string is strong enough to hold the balloons.

Breaking the Pinata

Now comes the fun part, that’s right breaking the pinata. First you will need to blind fold the current player and have everyone else stand back. There are several ways that you can play this game. You can have kids use a plastic baseball bat, stand under the water balloon pinata (make sure they have on their swimsuits) and start breaking balloons. Or you can choose to have more than one kid try to break the pinata at a time, using just their hands. If you have more than one kid going after a pinata blindfolded skip the bat, and just have them try to break the balloons with their hands. However the safest way is usually one at a time.

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Things to remember

There are a few things that you will want to keep in mind. If you put too many balloons on one string it may not hold together long enough for anyone to hit it. Try keeping the pinata small to medium size. This will make it a lot hard for kids to hit, and it will stay up in the tree a lot better.