Fun Balloon Games for All Ages

Kids of all ages love balloons. They are bright and colorful and provide an inexpensive way of having fun. Balloon games can provide hours of entertainment and can be played indoors safely. Here are several balloon games that you and your children can play together. These fun balloon games are great when used as birthday party games too!

First off, to provide a safe playing environment clear away all objects on the floor, and push furniture away from the play area. Be sure to remove anything that can be tripped on. If your balloon games require for the balloons to be popped, be sure to pick up all small pieces immediately. Advise children to NEVER place a balloon in or around the mouth area, as this can pose a choking hazard. Once you’ve taken all precautions, balloon games are a fun and completely safe way to have fun with your children.

Now, it’s time to have fun with balloons! The balloons you’ll be using for these balloon games require no helium. Use regular latex balloons that you can find at party supply stores, or even the dollar store. Nothing fancy is needed.

Balloon Ball – This is a fun game for very young children, as there are basically no rules involved. Simply toss the balloon back and forth to each other, while trying to avoid it from hitting the ground. If a player allows it to touch the game, the other player scores a point. Teach your young child to count by having them help count out loud each time the balloon is hit.

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Balloon Bop – Similar to balloon ball, balloon bop requires users to lay on their backs and use only their feet to hit the balloon. You’ll be surprised at how well this game works your abdominal muscles! Players are only allowed to move around with their bottoms, and can only hit the balloon with their feet. (no hands allowed!) The limited rules of balloon ball apply to balloon bop, as well.

Balloon Waddle – Players place a balloon between their knees and race to the finish line. Whoever can reach the finish line first, without dropping or popping their balloon, is the winner! If a player drops, or pops, the balloon, they have to return to the starting point. This is a fun balloon game to play as a relay race with a group of children, but is equally as fun with just two players.

Prize Pop – This makes a great birthday party game. Before blowing up the balloons, place small pieces of paper labeled with numbers, inside each balloon. When the children are gathered together, have the birthday child select a random number. Then have the children pop their balloon by sitting on it, laying on it, etc. Whomever has the balloon with the birthday child’s selected number, wins a prize!

Balloon Sit – Most people have played this game at some point in time. Balloon sit is a fun, nerve racking balloon game that kids love. Start off by placing two or three chairs side by side. Place a balloon in each chair and have the children sit on the balloon till it pops. Whoever can pop the balloon first is the winner! This is another fun balloon game that is great to play in a relay race, but will be just as fun with only two players.

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Balloon Wall Stick – For this game, you’ll need several balloons already blown up. Set the balloons in a large pile and have players stand next to the pile. Set a timer for a designated time (ex: 5 minutes) and when time has began, have the players rub the balloons on the top of their heads. (Rubbing a balloon on the top of your head creates static) Then have the players “stick” the balloon to a wall. The object of the game is to see which player can make the most balloons stick to the wall by the end of play time. This game is much harder than it sounds!

Hot Balloon – This balloon game works just like the “hot potato” game, but you’ll use a balloon instead. With music playing in the background (have Mom or Dad control the music) players pass the balloon back and forth. Any player that purposely passes the balloon badly is out. Whoever is stuck holding the balloon when the music ends is out. Keep playing until there is only one person standing.

Hiding Balloon Face – This is another great birthday party game. Give each child a balloon and a felt tip marker. Remind the children to press easy when drawing. Have the children to draw a face on the balloon, and have them write their initials in small letters. Have the children hide in another room while an adult hides all the balloons. The object of this balloon game is for the children to search through the house until they find the balloon face they created. That person is the winner!

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Balloon Wiggle – Blow up one balloon, but DO NOT tie it closed. Have the children line up and release the balloon. It will wiggle wildly through the air. The children can try to catch the balloon as it wiggles, and if someone catches it, they win.

NOTE: If any of these games are to be used as birthday party games, make sure that no one has a fear of balloons. Oddly enough, many people have a severe phobia of balloons and will definitely not enjoy these games.

Use your imagination and come up with original balloon games of your own. HAVE FUN! You won’t find many other inexpensive ways to entertain children than with balloons.

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