How to Make a Snow White Magic Mirror

Most little girls have a joyous period in their childhoods where they become enchanted with fairy tales.Whether it be the story of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, these riveting stories where good always ultimately triumphs over evil, little girls dream of growing up to become one of their beloved princesses. Here is a very fun and easy to make craft that will surely enchant the little one in your life who adores the story of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.

How to Make a Snow White Magic Mirror: Supplies Needed.
A standard wall mirror with frame
Window cleaning agent
Acrylic craft paint
Markers or Paints that are formulated to work on glass (These can be found in craft stores)
Small glass beads, polished stones or ceramic tiles
Glass glue
Decorative buttons, coins, beads, sparkly faux gems and jewels
Strong craft glue or hot glue gun

How to Make a Snow White Magic Mirror: First Things First.
Before you begin this very fun craft project, there are several tasks that need to be done first. First, remove the mirror from the frame. Set the frame aside. Thoroughly clean the mirror with glass cleaner. The mirror needs to be very clean in order for the glass markers or paints to adhere properly.

How to Make a Snow White Magic Mirror: Start With The Frame.
Before beginning to adorn your Snow White Magic Mirror, you will want to paint your mirror frame as this will take some time to dry. Using the acrylic craft paint in the color of your choice, completely paint the mirror frame and set aside in a safe place to dry.

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How to Make a Snow White Magic Mirror: Decorating The Mirror.
Use your glass markers or paints to decorate your mirror with any designs you choose. You can paint the child’s name at the bottom of the mirror, Make wavy lines or dots, or draw little pictures around the perimeter of the mirror. If using glass paint, be sure to follow the directions and allow to dry completely before going forward in your project. After the paint is dry, you can begin affixing your gemstones and other small embellishments to the mirror using the glass glue.

How to Make a Snow White Magic Mirror: Decorating The Frame.
After the paint on the mirror frame is dry, you can begin gluing your mini ceramic tiles and other sparkly decorative items to the frame. Be sure to fill the frame completely and not leave any unappealing gaps. If you find yourself without enough embellishments to adequately cover the entire mirror frame, look around your home for other items to use or cut out shapes from colorful foam to fill in any spaces.

After all the glue is dry and your decorations are securely attached, you can replace the mirror in the frame and prepare to present your homemade gift to the little princess in your life.